Valentine's Day weekend. I love this time, not for the Hallmark holiday but because it is the anniversary of when Sweetie proposed. The events happened to fall on Valentine's Day, so that is when he proposed rather than picking the day itself. 12 years ago I told him I would marry him. One decision I will never regret. He is my everything.
Bug was sick last week, then I was fighting a cold. I think I successfully put it bay.
In other news our washing machine died last night. YAY. So let's count, shall we? Need new car, fridge on last leg, washer dead, dryer on its way. YAY. Good thing we have been paying down those credit cards. I think we are going car shopping tomorrow.
We made the hard decision that I am not testing this month. And I am ok with it. The reason is that I am not up for the non-stop study time right now. Instead we are focusing on getting reasonable set study habits while focusing on everything else.
I have been very emotional lately, fighting depression, not wanting to talk, taking everything in. I am ok. I go back and forth on a pendulum while feeling that I am getting further behind. My job is changing. What I was hired for is changing. I adore my boss but worry I will need to look for another job soon after finishing my certification. Blah.
The good news is that I am feeling motivated to take care of myself. My health is important and I need to make sure to do everything in my power to keep me in tip top shape. I just need a couple of extra hours in each day - or days in a week. Hmmm I will see what I can do about that.
Sorry that this wasn't a more exciting post. It is what it is. I will keep everyone posted.