Wednesday, April 23, 2008

still here

I am here. Not much to report. I have been fighting some depression - fun, I tell ya. And I hate for my blog to be too negative, so I have been away. I did get a physical on Monday. Dr is going to talk to me on Friday about the results and potential happy pills. What's wrong? Nothing and everything. Sad about Alley, normal chemical issues, and feeling overwhelmed with life - nothing major.

I have been eating very poorly. I am sure it is due to the emotions I am going through.

I just need a swift kick in the butt. I need motivation. I need to feel like I am on top of everything.

My eyes feel so tired all of the time, I don't want to do anything, and then beat myself up for doing nothing. Endless cycle of life.

But I have a new phone and it makes me feel important. It is a work phone. This means I am "on-call" all the time. And that is ok.

CPA class starts next week. I hope my life stabilizes so I can actually test with this one. The goal is to pass ONE and then I have 18 months to pass the other three.

Oh and Blah!

And then there is everything I want to do for the house. Things I want to get it ready for sale, read for another addition to the family, or ready for me to feel complete in it.

Did I mention I am all over the place?

I just have to break this funk.

OK that was the most depressing post ever.


Sheri & SuZan said...

Wow girl, I think your plate is overflowing.

Hopefully the doc can help you feel better and remember if you need to escape just come on over to H-town.

Kat said...

Funk's suck big donkey dicks.

Trust me, I know. Hopefully the doc will get you on the road to balancing out and things will start to look up quick!

However, with the things going on in your life, it's normal to slip into a funk, don't beat yourself up over it, you'll get through it! (((((HUGS)))))