Tuesday, September 18, 2007

from the office of blue shirts

I have decided that I will get the RAI as soon as I can, meaning go to give blood on Oct 5th. This is a good date for a few reasons: 1) It is four weeks of not being on my meds 2)It is Jim's b-day 3) It is three years since we found out about Bug. And since it was my pregnancy that triggered this disease, it seems fitting. I am expecting to get my scan done the week of Oct 8th and the RAI the week of the 15th. That means that I will be on the low-iodine diet for LiveStrong, but that is ok. We can celebrate without food.

Today I am grateful for my Mom. She is so awesome about making sure that she doesn't overstep her boundaries. She helped me a lot today and I am grateful for every moment I have with her. I know how lucky I am to have a Mom who treats me like an adult and helps me make hard decisions. For that I am very very grateful.

Now the big question is CPA. It can take up to a year to get the meds regulated after RAI. Do I focus on health or use the test as a distraction? Right now I am planning on using it as a distraction, but allowing myself the option of postponing. Blah, being an adult is so hard.

Sweetie and I have a fun evening planned. If it doesn't rain, we are going to pack up the stroller and walk to a park for a picnic, at least that is the plan. We are very date oriented and today is a happy date for us. So I want to spend a lot of quality time with him tonight, I don't care what we do.

And with that, I think I am going to sneak out. My boss is out the next two days and I want to get a TON done so I look like a good little employee. And since procrastination is my BEST trait, I will leave the pile on my desk until tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a great evening.

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