Monday, September 17, 2007

light at the end of the tunnel

There is a light, I see it, can you see it? It is there. I have been CRAZY busy at work. But I am close to the end of the mad rush. I doubt I will be caught up this week, but hopefully next week. It is just nice to finally feel not so overwhelmed.

I am even starting to feel better. I highly recommend zicam. It sucks to take every three hours, and the not eating or drinking for 15 minutes after isn't great, but I believe it is what is helping me to feel better.

Tonight was a fun evening. We have taken Bug out of gymnastics. She is doing a recreation activity at school and seems to enjoy it more than the gymnastics. Instead we are going to spend a couple of nights a week focusing on running, playing with the soccer ball, and playing on the play ground. All about movement and being active. So tonight, since I am still recovering, we took it easy. After a yummy dinner we went for a run. Actually, this was prompted by Bug as she loves running. So we headed out. We went at least a mile and she ran most of it. It was awesome.

And here are some pics from dinner on Thursday (sorry BestFriend, couldn't resist, you know I want to be just like you):

Here is BestFriend - she is so beautiful - and amazing, AND look how skinny she is. DarkDiva is in the background. BestFriend and I have the same problem when photographing DarkDiva, all the photos come out blurry. This was the best one from the evening:Here is MotoDiva, she is the one trying to entice me into doing tris, I swear she can talk anyone into anything:This is IronDiva. She is the amazing woman who has completed two IronMan Tris. Being able to complete a 15 hour endurance event is one thing, but being cute and nice and awesome just makes it down right impossible to hate her. This is Michelle. She is the newest Diva. I am still learning about her, hence the lack of cool nickname. But so far she is fitting in nicely. And, of course, me! Hopefully I can get HowieMaui to come to next month's dinner.

17 - Today I am grateful for my healthy family. We ate healthy, we moved, we talked, and we are going to go to bed at a good hour. I love having a daughter who brings me shoes and says "running, mommy?" and while we are out "hurry up mommy, run".

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