Monday, October 25, 2004

7 Weeks

I am halfway through this first trimester. Which sounds good. However, when you take into account the 7 weeks is if from LMP, 2 of those weeks were before conception. Add on the two weeks waiting to see if I was and you end up with three weeks of going through this stage. For me to hear 7 more weeks of this sounds horrible. OK not horrible, but not happy. I actually got sick yesterday. And while throwing up when you have the flu or a hangover can bring relief, that is not what I felt. I am not doing too much better today.

My Sweetie is having fun giving me a hard time about having twins. The fact that I started showing last week does not help :-) You would not know it to look at me. In fact I have lost weight in my face and such. However, my lower belly is poking out more than normal. This is not fat, this is baby - or at least body preparing for baby. It feels completely different and is very strange. Hopefully I will know for sure that it is only one next week at this time.

My Sweetie spent several minutes talking to my belly on Saturday asking him/her to stop making me sick :-) This is on top of the new routine of kissing me and then kissing belly. He has been so wonderful. I actually was able to pour my own OJ this morning - he has been doing everything for me. Who knew he would get so into this pregnancy and so soon. Don't get me wrong - he was in this from before the cells joined. He is actually the one who made the final decision of NOW is the time. And when something is meant to be, nothing can stop it.

Tonight is my late night - starting to hate Mondays. It is just such a long day. And, of course, I have homework that must be done before class. It is ok - I am hoping to take an on-line course next semester. That way if I get put on bed rest, I can still attend classes.

We have only bought a couple of toys, waiting on the doctor's visit before anything else. I know the danger zone that we are in and must be practical about the situation.

This is what the websites say my baby looks like now

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