Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy for a Three Day Weekend

Last night I had the honor of having dinner with BestFriend, MotoDiva, and IronDiva. It was so much fun and needed. Sweetie sent buttons for me to give the girls. They put them on immediately, and that made me smile. They are such a great group to be around.

Now let's talk a little about me - I know shocking. I have been exercising. I have been eating healthier. I am feeling better. Yesterday, was a very good day. Every month we celebrate birthdays. One woman in the company makes a multitude of cakes. Everyone can get a full on piece of any, and all, of their choosing. Yesterday was the day. They send an email in the morning. I thought, crap this is going to be hard to fight. I go into the breakroom to get my water and two co-workers noticed my weight loss. OK so maybe not so hard to fight. 3:00 come and sure enough I was strong. I stayed away from the break room. I was successful.

Then I had a meeting with my boss. Remember the "promotion" I received? I put it that way as my title had manager in it from day one, but finally people have to do what I say. Well they decided I needed a raise with that promotion. This company does not give raises, I knew this coming in. But I will sacrifice pay for location and flexibility. Well, long story short, I received a raise :-D YIPEE, I guess they like me. So I was feeling good about myself and went to get more water. Yes, I am very good with my water. The breakroom still had the leftovers of the birthday cakes. And they had Chocolate Cupcakes. OMG I love those. I had my low fat turkey slices in hand and walked past, paused, thought "mmm I need to celebrate", went back and looked at them. I then walked away AGAIN. I knew I was seeing my girls that night. And I decided that if I wanted to celebrate that I should do it with someone and not by eating a cupcake alone in my cubicle. And at dinner I did celebrate. I had a very healthy and low point dinner and we all shared a piece of carrot cake. And I worked out before meeting my friends for dinner. So I worked out, even when I was short on time, I ate right even while eating out, and I survived a celebration without ruining my diet. YAY!

And once 5:00 finally gets here, my long weekend begins. Tonight is a date night with Sweetie. We are going to our Sushi place again, if we can get there before the rush hits. Then I have no idea what our plans are. Tomorrow we are going to work on our yard, such fun. And then Monday we are going over to MotoDiva's for her famous Jambalaya - everyone dance.

Next week is a big week. I hit my day 30. Which in the world of Power90 you take your measurements and photos every 30 days. I also give blood again and go and see my endo. I have NO idea what my levels are. I have given up trying to guess. I do know that I want off of these meds. I will keep everyone updated. I am taking the article with me regarding the new guidelines for thyroid levels. The good news is that I receive my results before the actual appointment so I can prepare. The bottom line is that I am feeling better than when my WBC was high, so that is good. I just want to keep me feeling good.

So with Sweetie's button hobby, I have many buttons, and I like to wear them. I also have them on my purse. This has caused many comments from co-workers. Today a co-worker asked if Sweetie would make her a button. I think he is going to just freak out when he hears this. He loves to make them. She even suggested a theme. I love that I can brag about him with things like this.

Oh and it looks like my knee needs to be good as IronDiva has said she needs to do a 10k the same time as the IBM 10k. Must not back out now. I am hoping to get some miles in this weekend.

OK I know this was long and lame, but bear with me. I am trying to multi-task here :-)

Everyone have a great and safe weekend.

25 down/65 to go


Patti said...

Congratulations on the pay raise! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...