Sunday, May 25, 2008

1st half of long weekend check in

We are moving right along with the b-day party planning. As of right now it is a Simpson, Thomas the Train, Spiderman, Totoro, and Princess party. I think the bottom line is that she just wants a day of celebrating her. Actually with her b-day falling on a Saturday, she gets three days celebrating her - lucky girl.

Here is where we stand:
Pick location of Bug's party - check
Send out invites - check for email ones, paper ones on Monday

This weekend has been fun. I hope we aren't boring Niece. We have gone shopping, gotten ice cream, played, watched movies, and played Wii.

Aren't they cute? Bug ADORES her Cousin. Poor Niece has trouble getting any time alone.

And look what we found in our backyard yesterday. I love Sun Flowers!
Now I wait for Niece to wake up so we can start our day. I told her this weekend is all about her and she gets to decide what we do.

I have to post this one as it is just too cute: And here is the video - the shorter of the two, but you shall get the idea.

1 comment:

the greatest said...

I love your kid. And I love that she likely got the genetic memory of how to sing and dance an "i'm dinosaur" song from you.