Monday, June 09, 2008

so much

The party was a smashing success. It was exactly what I hoped for, a park filled with people who love her and friends to play with. Thank you to everyone who came. It was so nice to see as many of my own friends there as her's.

This weekend was filled with so much emotion. There is a lot going on with my family/friends. And it is my nature to try and take care of everyone. I love my peeps. And this week looks to be as busy, if not more so.

Tonight we are going to hang out with BestFriend. I am looking forward to it. I do not get to see her enough. Then Wednesday my dear friend T is having surgery. We will be at the hospital Wed and Thursday night offering our help.

And with everything going on, it is so nice to have friends who support me and give me advice on hard decisions. It is even nicer that both told me the same thing and didn't know I was chatting with the other. It honestly cracks me up. But they know how I over think and stress over things. They accept me how I am, dorkiness and all.

"if you close the hole in your hand tight, not as many butterflies get in" ~ BestFriend

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