Saturday, June 07, 2008

To my Bug on her 3rd b-day

Oh my dear little girl, I cannot express how happy you make me. You are an amazing little girl. I love how you are the right mix of tom boy and silly girl. You love your princess (tinker bell) as well as thomas the train and cars. I knew that you would change my life. I simply did not understand by how much. Since your arrival three years ago, so much has happened, we have grown together, concurred battles together, and laughed on a daily basis. You bring out my silliness and I adore that. You reminded me of what is important in life. You made us a family. I now cannot imagine life without you. Whether you are giggling, running, or arguing with me about the existence of the number four, you are pure joy. I love how you sing like I do, how you snuggle, and how you hide under the covers. Sweetie and I love being parents. You make it a thrill.

And thank you for being so awesome at your first movie yesterday - Kung Fu Panda was awesome with you. Thank you for playing hooky with us.

I love you honey, I hope you love being three (yes 3, not 5 like keep saying, I am not ready for that).


Crista said...

Happy Belated!!!!

Katie said...

I can't believe the kiddos are 3 either! It has been the best three years of my life! It is great to know, that even with 2, there is still time to enjoy the birthday of the other. we had a blast at his birthday party-- and we have so many new toys to keep us very busy through the summer! More to come... I really need to update my blog. It is just so daunting right now, but soon I will forget all the things I need to say!