Thursday, June 05, 2008

Springy Arches

Well, I am happy to report that BestFriend was right, as she always is, and I was over reacting. He RSVPd yes. YAY. Now we may change some logistics, but I know where his heart lies and I apologize for anything nasty written or thought. But I wouldn't be a good lil sister if I didn't fly off the handle every now and again. The day is going to be perfect for my Bug and that is all that matters.

So I go crazy sometimes - it is true. But it is because I love my family so very much. They are my world.

Oh and last night Sweetie, Bestfriend, Christie, Bug, and I all went bowling. Bug was a pro. I cannot wait to do it again with her.

I got some arch supports for my shoes, we shall see if they help. They feel a little odd right now, but very springy.

Tomorrow is the 3rd annual celebrate Bug day. We are hoping to take her to a movie - yay. Then we prepare for the party. WOO HOO!

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