Sunday, October 07, 2007

well crap

Yesterday I had the WORST headache, it lasted all day. I took my normal meds, took a long nap, ate chocolate and bad food - normally works. Nope headache still continued.

Today I woke with a fever and the same headache. Blah. I have been drinking my water and hoping it was simply dehydration. However, when I got dressed I noticed that I have a rash on my legs. Not horrible but there nevertheless.

I can't like rashes so when I got home from the grocery store I went onto my trusty and the symptom checker. One question asked if I was taking antibiotics. Yes. The details specifically said that sulfa drugs can cause this. Flash back to the Dr's office on Thursday, NP asked "can you take sulfa drugs". I said yes, not thinking twice about it.

I looked up the side effects for this drug:
1) Headache - check
2) dizziness - check
3) rash - check

Great. Just when I started to feel better I find out that my meds are not good for me. Guess I will be on the phone first thing in the morning for a new prescription.

I am off to try and get rid of this headache, take a bath for the rash, and get ready for next week.


Addy said...

That blows.

Hope you are feeling better.

Kami said...

Well, damn.