Friday, June 23, 2006


Last night was a blast. There were four of us. We stitched and we bitched. There was alcohol present but we were not drinking. We laugh and laughed. I even cried twice from laughing so hard.

Things I learned last night:
~I cannot knit - at least not at this time. I kept messing up and the others would be like "how did you do this?"
~I have friends that care about me. They offered to help me organize my house due to my Graves' and upcoming CPA tests.
~I cannot text message - feeded bacon.
~Homemade rice crispy treats really are the best.
~Going to bed at 1:00 makes for a tired Missy.

I gave my references to the CPA firm. We will see where it leads. I know everyone is tired of hearing about it, so that is all that I will say today.

This weekend is going to be filled with checking things off of my "to pack for trip" list, shopping for needed items, cleaning for HowieMaui and 4th of July, and relaxing.

Not only am I tired today, my back hurts. Not sure why, maybe because of a small person sleeping sideways this morning. She is crazy. Or maybe from busting at the seams last night.

Sweetie was so amazing last night,letting me go out and all. I really appreciate it. He is too good to me. I think I will keep him around.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

That Stitch-n-Bitch thing sounds like too much fun...I don't knit either, but I can embroider and quilt...would that count? I may have to try to find one here in San Antonio.

Anyway, linked over here from Deb's blog (because you live in Austin) to check it out. I'd give it a 2 thumbs up!