Thursday, September 11, 2008

To Psycho Bitch in Red SUV

You are crazy. You are not better than anyone. When a road is closed down to one lane, it means you too. Just because your car can fit between the cones doesn't mean you SHOULD. And doing it to turn right without looking put you in MY way when I was turning in the legal manner. Yes, I honked. And I know you thought you were smart to pull over and get behind me. Surely I would lead you to my house. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME???? I have my daughter in my car, I am NOT that stupid. From the moment you got behind me I took wrong turns. You followed me THROUGHOUT my neighborhood to the next major street all the while on the phone. I don't know who you were talking to, nor do I care. I was in the right and I know that. I was hoping you would follow me to my husband, but no you lost interest. Fucking crazy bitch. I am sure you were coming from the gas station that is 12 cars deep due to the upcoming hurricane. Of course, it is going to hit here, run fast for the gas.

I agree with Tammy, I hate people.


Leslie said...

Grrrrr those people piss me off!

T.E. Wallace said...

I'm glad you guys are safe. While it is true, I hate people, please let it be understood that I dearly love a select few individuals.