Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Chocolate poptarts. Even though I would eat them at home as a kid, they always remind me of Grandma and Grandpa’s house. They would by them special when I stayed over.

Sweetie just wrote to me that he wants a date with me with a movie and dinner. I love that.

Gave more blood today. Time to test my levels again. I should know something tomorrow.

I am giving South Beach another try. From everything I have read, this kind of eating is the best for thyroid issues. HowieMaui is going to do it with me. Wish me luck. I will be finishing phase one just before Sweetie’s b-day.

My favorite kick-ass cancer survivor is coming to Austin tomorrow. I do not think I will make it. I know I am no longer contagious, I am just so afraid to get her sick. She posted recently that she thanked someone wearing a blood donation T-shirt. The woman was so moved that she cried. I love it. I cannot wait until I can give blood again. I can be on my meds and give blood. However, the meds have to have me in a normal range with my levels. But once they are, no holding me back, I am even getting on the bone marrow registry.

And now, it is two minutes until I go and get my sweet girl and spend a fun evening doing something, well, fun.

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