I got my blood test results this morning.
Drum roll please.....
For my Free T4 (normal is .73-1.95), I started with a 2.29 on 3/8. Currently it is .98. NORMAL!!!
For my Free T3 (normal is 2.3-4.2), I started with a 7.3 on 3/8. Currently it is 2.8. NORMAL!!!
For my Ultrasensative TSH (normal is .300-5.1, with this one if you are below the .3 you are hyper and if you are above the 5.1 you are hypo), I started with .024 on 3/8. Currently it is .906. NORMAL!!! This is the chemical that normally takes the longest to get into a normal range. Four months on the meds and I have it on track.
I go back in two months. I am hoping to need a reduction in my medication at that time.
I feel great today. I feel like someone told me great news, like I got a job or something. I had no idea having normal levels would make me feel so good. I have not had a normal thyroid test since right after having Bug.
The medication is working. Normal levels. This means that while I still have Graves', I am not currently Hyper. YAY.
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