Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Light at the end of the tunnel

I am tired. Very very tired. Good mood today so not depressed tired. Just tired. Want to sleep. I went to my car for lunch to read, nice outside. I contemplated a nap while I was there, but it was too hot. Instead I went to the HEB close by and got a diet coke, nuts, and chocolate. You know, the needed items to wake up.

It really feels like the depression is lifting. I know I will always battle this. But I think I am learning more about me and, in the process, taking the veil of sadness off of me. I think this new job is helping too. I felt stuck at the non-profit. Helping cure cancer was very nice - and I will continue to go to their events and such. However, I wasn't doing what I spent so long in school to learn. This morning was good. I was busy meeting with people and finding out what they do. It made the morning pass very quickly.

I am so grateful for being at home last week when the depression was the worst. I think it helped me get it out of my system. I seriously need to start with a consistent exercise routine. Research shows that 30 minutes of exercise a day can give the same benefits as antidepressants for some people.

OK so I get to be petty now. What I love about my job so far, not getting in trouble for being 5 minutes late, having a boss who understands if you need to leave early and doesn't hold against your PTO unless you are gone for half a day, not having to answer the phones, not having to greet people, the ability to wear sandals and flip flops, the ability to take work home, the commute, and well I guess the increase in pay ;-)

Tonight is counseling, reading more in my book, maybe some housework, and early to bed.

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