Friday, September 08, 2006

Such a Mom

Bug has a slight fever from yesterdays shots. I cancelled my dinner plans tonight so I can be with her. Sweetie is absolutely the best dad ever, but I would hate being away from her when she doesn't feel well.

And then I had another "Oh my goodness I am such a mom" moment. I got a Quizno's Flatbread salad - love them. Along with my salad I got a Toffee Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookie. Sounds divine, right? I look over at the cookie while I am eating my salad and think "I am going to wait to eat that, I want to share it with Bug".

1 comment:

Crista said...

The "I'm a mommy and my baby comes first" feeling is so great, isn't it? Nothing like it.

You've inspired me with the job search. Here's hoping I have similarly good news sometime in the near future. Ugh, I hate looking for a job. Speaking of which, I better go update the resume, something I've been procrastinating doing all weekend!