Sunday, September 03, 2006

Up Late

OK so it isn't late, but I am giddy knowing that due to the three day weekend that I get to stay up late tonight. Yes, I am boring. Bug sleeps on me, Sweetie finishes up the assembly of Niece's b-day invites, and I watch Sex in the City while blogging. Life is good.

While I am thrilled to have tomorrow off, I dread that I have to wait an extra day to give notice. I am not looking forward to it. I really do like all of my coworkers, esp now that my boss is gone. I have a feeling that they are going to take it hard. My substitute boss arrives Tuesday morning. Ugh, I hate giving notice.

I have several co-workers who have myspace accounts. One asked me on Friday for a friend invite, I have a myspace to keep track of friends but the username it is not known at work. I told her flat out no. I said that we could not be myspace friends as long as we worked together. She pouted but agreed with my thinking. Friday night I sent a friend request. I guess on Tuesday she will realize the significance.

Photo of the day:

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