Wednesday, May 10, 2006

These Boots Were Made for Walking

SHE WALKED. My 11 month old little girl took her first steps. Today after work, we went to the Disney Store. Now, we have been working with her on her walking for awhile, but today was the day. When we got to the store, I put her down so that she could walk holding my hand. For the first time she walked a ton with holding only onto one hand. YAY. She also walked a ton with holding onto one of Sweetie's hands and one of mine. Too Cute!

So what was the motivation for the actual steps? Right when we got to the store, the first thing we found was a pink tinkerbell cup. She proceeded to lick it - my rule is "you lick it, you buy it". So we knew this cute little cup was ours. She was holding it throughout the store. She feel in love with this cup right away. Once she dropped the cup we made our move. Sweetie got her standing and he and I were in front of her by her beloved cup. She did nearly three steps to get the cup back. I love it. Sweetie was so floored that he went to the saleswoman we chatted with earlier in the visit and told her that they had the best cups ever.

OK that is all that I can think to post. Mostly because SHE TOOK HER FIRST STEPS!!!!


Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Way to go Bug! She is getting so big!

Grammy G said...

I can't believe she is getting so big. Where is the video camera when you want it.

Grammy G

Summer Girl said...

It's all over now! The bumps and bruises are abound! It is crazy, but FUN and ADORABLE! Enjoy! I can't believe our kids are getting so big.... wasn't it just yesterday taht they were born?