Monday, May 22, 2006

What to say?

I have not been good with blogging. Life seems to be taking all of my time. That is a good thing. I still feel a bit lost between my Grave's and my career.

So, a friend found a family member's secret blog. This has me a bit more paranoid. I write what I want. And while that may be boring most of the time, it is me. So what if a co-worker, someone from my past, or a potential employer found my site? It could happen. The world is a very small place. Would this alter what I say, how I write? At first I thought it would. Then I started really thinking about it. This is me. If you want to come to my site and read, I do not have a problem with that. And I think having my site public in the first place means that I have to be willing to take the chance that someone who might not like what I write, or might be a person I write about, has as much access as the next person. I like blogger for this reason. I personally feel that if I am going to write about it, then I am going to incur the liability that goes along with it. So there it is. However, I do have a statcounter. I know when someone new reads me. I also know my regular readers. I might not know who they are, but I know the repeat locations. Bottom line, I am going to write what I want.

I am happy to say that the 1st b-day party planning is well underway. I cannot believe she is turning one. I am very lucky and am getting the day off. Not sure what we are going to do, but it will be fun - I am sure. Along the same lines, our first vacation is close to being fully planned. All I gotta say is Mouse Ears and Sweetie's Birth City.

It is late. I need to go to bed so that I can attempt to work out in the morning.

1 comment:

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Write what you want that is what this is all about!

I cant believe Serif is going to be 1 in two weeks! Wow time flies!