It is 1pm. I know, that does not mean a thing. However, I have only been awake for about 20 minutes. That is right, let me say it again - TWENTY MINUTES. That is because of my wonderful husband. I got over 12 hours of sleep. Now there were some wake ups due to Bug, but still. I LOVE it. I was coughing some right before bed so I took my yummy cough syrup. This means that when I was asleep, I was really asleep. I know they say sleep is important and yadda yadda yadda. Now I soooo agree. I am feeling great.
This week I have been suffering/fighting some depression. Sweetie feels powerless when this happens. So he got up with Bug and did all the morning things with her. I woke up to find them sleeping on the couch, it is nap time. I weighed myself (down 2 this week), changed the laundry over, checked email, cut up some wonderful honeydew melon, and am now blogging. What a great morning/afternoon so far. I have no idea how much time I have here. Bug's naps can last anywhere from an hour to four.
This weekend is nice. We have no plans and we are not preparing for a party in the next week. Seems our weekends lately have been jam packed with activities or preparing for activities. Not sure what we are going to do today - it really doesn't matter as long as I get to do it with my family.
And I am not committing to anything. But, I have been seriously thinking about training for a triathlon. The one I want to do is on Memorial Day. Now the level? I am not sure. They have this cute version called First Tri. It is about half of a sprint distance for the bike and swim but still a 5k for the run. Then there is the sprint and Olympic distances. I think I will aim for sprint or Olympic. Work is wanting me to do it, but I am not sure about the fundraising.
What started this? Of course IronDiva completing a FULL ironman really started everything. Then DarkDiva (who I never thought would even want to do an athletic event like this) completed the Danskin and the Rogue (both sprint distances) in June and July. That got my brain thinking. However, then MotoDiva completed the Danskin (not her first, but awesome nevertheless) AND then surprised us all by training and completing the Vineman 1/2 Ironman. This was her first of this distance. This is basic way it works. Sprint is normally the shortest, Olympic is twice the sprint, 1/2 ironman is twice the Olympic, and full ironman is twice the 1/2. I don't think I will want to venture into the ironman world, but an Olympic distance would be awesome.
** I had a great post but blogger froze up. From this point on was lost. Sorry if it now seems rushed.
I figure I need to start training in January. So my goal now is to get to the point where I can run a 5k. I started my training this week. I figure if I can run the 5k, then I can focus on the swimming and biking.
Because of my knee, and never running a mile in my life, I have to work slowly into this running business. So far, I did it twice this week, it has been great workout. I am working with intervals. It really gets my sweat pumping, but I have not been sore, so I feel I am working at a good level.
Though, I will always be a walker at heart.