Monday, December 18, 2006


Along with SOGOTP, I also need to let go. I believe in meant to be. I believe in things happening for a reason. Every heartache, every loss, every piece of happiness happens for a reason. I tend to think that life is testing me from time to time, to see if I can keep this belief. I am a Christian. Not everyone believes the way I do. Heck not even all Christians do. I am not a "bible thumper". I believe that the bible was written by man and translated and altered to its current form. I believe it is holy. I believe it is important. Flawless? No. I also believe that just because a tribe in Africa does not believe exactly what we do, does not make them wrong. How can you claim that something a community has believed since the beginning of time is wrong because they do not call God the same thing we do. It is not my place on this earth to tell others that they are wrong. I think it is very non-Christian to judge what others believe. I also believe in Gay marriage, women priests, and priests marrying and having children.

Wait, I had a point. How did this soap box get here? Oh yes, faith. I think you have to have faith, to let go. Not meaning to be passive, but to have faith that things will get better, stay good, or whatnot. Whether that faith is with God, the Gods, the universe as a whole, or whatever you believe, I think it is important.

With my disease, I have to have faith. With many things, I have to have faith. Faith that things are happening for a reason. Sometimes that faith is hard. But overall I keep this outlook. It has been a year since leaving my telecommunications job. What a year. At the end it was hell there. It almost killed me on accounting - thinking the only way to have a good paying job was to work all hours of the day. I had to go through that. I had to have that commute and that boss. I had to experience the struggle to appreciate today. I appreciate my commute, I appreciate my job, and most importantly I appreciate my boss.

Where is this coming from? I just received an email saying that during the 27-29th that we get to dress casual. That hit me that next week is the last week of the year. This made me think about 2006. I think of all the changes and obstacles from this past year. I try to keep faith that they all happened for a reason. And I hope they are all good reasons I am grateful for all of it. And I mean all of it. The good and the bad, the highs and the lows. I look towards 2007. I hope 2007 is less chaotic than 2006.

Faith. You have to have faith. So if you are stressed about your job, new house, holidays, in-laws, money, or health, have faith. I know easier said than done. But it is true. Things happen for a reason. There is a plan in the universe that we are not aware of.

Right now I am having faith that all my last minute Christmas shopping will get done, that the house will get clean in time for Christmas Eve, and that I will not need radiation.

This also stems from an A$ order we made earlier this month. Claymation Christmas, Garfield Christmas, and Muppet's Christmas Carol. We shipped it to Sweetie’s work. I started to get worried that we had not received it. I check the tracking and it said it was delivered on the 9th- a Saturday. Sweetie did not have it. I was pissed. Not only was my account already drafted, but we didn't have the Christmas videos to show Bug. Sweetie says he would handle it. It was his account and all. I had to have faith that it would get resolved. I was venting to Mom about it when Sweetie comes back and says he has them. They were in his mailbox at work. He forgets that he has a mailbox there. I couldn't help but smile. Honestly, and I know it sounds strange, but it made my day. I had to laugh. I was all gearing up for a fight and none was needed.

I am now heading to Bug and Sweetie, it is gymnastics tonight. Woo hoo.

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