Friday, December 08, 2006


The party was very nice last night. Today though I feel like poopy. No fever but my throat hurts, my nose runs, and I feel stuffy. Not fair. Tonight I plan to rest. I have to feel better because Sunday is my Baking Day. If I don't feel better, I may have to cancel. Blah.

And I received the results of my blood work. Well, not the actual numbers. But I heard enough. They told me to not adjust my meds. This totally bummed me out. I am having several Hypo symptoms. I think I am hypo. I am waiting to see the actual results. Blah. I go back in March - actually on the 1 year anniversary of being diagnosed. If I can't adjust my meds yet, then I need to work on my lifestyle. I HAVE to exercise. Sweetie is so good, he went running when we got back from the party. Of course he runs so it doesn't take as long and he is a boy so it isn't as scary to run at 10 at night.

I think I need to take the same approach he has. Our Dr told him that he has to work out. I need to consider this the same thing. I need to work out. I need to get this under control. This disease has me feeling so out of control. I need some control. So I need a little more time. I need more time to get habits that are needed. I hate to say this again, but I think I need to push the CPA a little further out. I was hoping to start studying the first of the year. I don't think that would be smart yet. I have to get me in a good place before I put such pressure on myself. Otherwise I will be setting myself up for failure.

I really thought I would have to reduce my meds.

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