Can I just say that being an adult can totally suck? I mean, yes, I get to pick my own bedtime, what I wear, what I eat, and neat things like that. But the realities of life just seem too real at times. I have not blogged directly about it, though I have hinted at it. Now I feel the urge to write about it. It looks like BestFriend and Jim are getting a divorce. This is our first set of friends, where we are friends with both, to go down this path. It sucks. I am lucky enough to be able to be there for both of them. They have not asked Sweetie or me to take sides. I appreciate this more than they will ever know. It makes me look at my marriage and to be so very thankful for what I have. Even through all the crap that we had to go through, I would not change a thing. Our relationship has changed, transformed, and evolved to where it is today. And I am very lucky to be able to say that I am very happy. All I want for my friends is the same happiness.
In other, much lighter, news - I am so excited. Tonight we get to pick up my reserved copy of Mario Party 8. Sweetie and I are having fun with our Wii. In fact, we are having so much fun that Sweetie has made the hard decision to quit FFXI, which he has played since 2003. I take it as a great compliment that he would rather bowl and play tennis with me than fight beasts without me.
With that, I am going to cut this short so I can go and pick up someone short. I also need to get the remaining items for the invitations. Her party is coming up so quickly. I cannot believe she is going to be TWO. How is that possible? My little buddy.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
double bogie
This was a pretty packed three day weekend. Saturday, Sweetie and I went on a date to celebrate our 15 years together. We decided against a new movie and went for some classics. The Paramount had a double feature of Humphrey Bogart - Casablanca (which Sweetie and I had never seen although we own it)
and To Have and Have Not.
It was so much fun. We started the evening eating dinner, watched our double feature, and then had dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. Simply fantastic. The best part? In between the movies, I mentioned that I was cold. Sweetie insisted on going to the car to get my sweater. He is the best. I love dates that are just so "us".
The weekend was also emotional. My parents ran a family business out of their converted garage. The business closed when my father died in 1997. Since then, the room has served as nothing more than a catch all. No longer will that be the case. Mom is having it turned back into a garage and getting rid of the last of the business items. This was hard. There was still a calendar on the wall with September 1997 showing. Brother, SIL#1, Jim, Sweetie, Bug, and I all went to help. We got a lot done considering the emotions involved. It was hard, but very needed. This is the year of the Boar, as BestFriend reminds us, a time for not being afraid and moving forward. What this means to each of us is different. She is trying to find a new life, I am trying to find myself again, and Mom is focusing on what she has and moving forward. Regardless of our situations or reasons, this year our motto should be the same, Neutral is Not an Option. I did get some neat things out of the deal; my Grandfather's dog tags, a cool ring of my Grandmothers', the hospital bill for my birth, and my Grandmother's candy jar - with the candy still in it that has to be 15 years old - this brought both my mom and I to laughter and tears as it was her favorite candy. The candy? Black liquorish jelly beans.
It was a good weekend. It was a weekend that makes me thankful for who I have in my life, family and friends. I am so very lucky. And the pain is gone from my root canal - yay. And I am lucky enough to see some of my bitches on Saturday, so I have something to look forward to during the short work week.

The weekend was also emotional. My parents ran a family business out of their converted garage. The business closed when my father died in 1997. Since then, the room has served as nothing more than a catch all. No longer will that be the case. Mom is having it turned back into a garage and getting rid of the last of the business items. This was hard. There was still a calendar on the wall with September 1997 showing. Brother, SIL#1, Jim, Sweetie, Bug, and I all went to help. We got a lot done considering the emotions involved. It was hard, but very needed. This is the year of the Boar, as BestFriend reminds us, a time for not being afraid and moving forward. What this means to each of us is different. She is trying to find a new life, I am trying to find myself again, and Mom is focusing on what she has and moving forward. Regardless of our situations or reasons, this year our motto should be the same, Neutral is Not an Option. I did get some neat things out of the deal; my Grandfather's dog tags, a cool ring of my Grandmothers', the hospital bill for my birth, and my Grandmother's candy jar - with the candy still in it that has to be 15 years old - this brought both my mom and I to laughter and tears as it was her favorite candy. The candy? Black liquorish jelly beans.
It was a good weekend. It was a weekend that makes me thankful for who I have in my life, family and friends. I am so very lucky. And the pain is gone from my root canal - yay. And I am lucky enough to see some of my bitches on Saturday, so I have something to look forward to during the short work week.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
a success
I am happy to report that today as a success. Sweetie had the other side of his deep cleaning done and he was declared healthy without any cavities. I had my root canal and application of my temp crown. While it took 3 hours, it really wasn't bad at all. Now I wait 3-4 weeks for my crown to come in.
I am having a really good day. And yes, my pee is due to the B vitamins that I am taking, it is a nice bright bright neon yellow.
Sorry for the short post but I am just pooped and want to snuggle my Sweetie.
I am having a really good day. And yes, my pee is due to the B vitamins that I am taking, it is a nice bright bright neon yellow.
Sorry for the short post but I am just pooped and want to snuggle my Sweetie.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Random update
First, I will start with some good news. There was a cancellation at my Dentist, instead of having to wait until the 30th for my temp crown, I get to go tomorrow at 2. Yay. I am excited to be able to eat halfway normal this weekend. Now I am just trying to not focus on the 2.5 hours it will take. UGH!
I have a ton of work to do. Yet, I don't want to do any of it. And I discovered a huge bug in our system so we really can't do anything while they fix the coding. oops.
Last night, we did a 2 mile walk. It was very nice and my tooth didn't hurt - yay.
And yesterday I sent out the Save the Date email for Bug's 2nd b-day party. I am so excited about this party. It is going to be laid back and fun. I think we are going to use this weekend to get some of the decorations and such. And we need to order the cake. So much to do, even for a little party.
And I always find it kind of exciting when you start a vitamin and your pee changes color. Is that odd?
I have a ton of work to do. Yet, I don't want to do any of it. And I discovered a huge bug in our system so we really can't do anything while they fix the coding. oops.
Last night, we did a 2 mile walk. It was very nice and my tooth didn't hurt - yay.
And yesterday I sent out the Save the Date email for Bug's 2nd b-day party. I am so excited about this party. It is going to be laid back and fun. I think we are going to use this weekend to get some of the decorations and such. And we need to order the cake. So much to do, even for a little party.
And I always find it kind of exciting when you start a vitamin and your pee changes color. Is that odd?
Monday, May 21, 2007
I let her take after him a little.....
First, I must post about yesterday. My Bug is so very big. We took her to the park where we are going to have her b-day party. She played and played and played on the toddler playscape. Then she moved to the big kids version. She climbed the metal ladder with complete ease - too big! She then went to the big big slide. It is tall, covered, and twists. She went in. Sweetie was at the top and I was ready at the bottom. She came out scared and on her side, but no tears. I hug her and she is good. She then runs back to the ladder and goes right back up. Once again down and ended the ride scared and on her side. After more hugs she went back to the ladder a third time and went down yet again - no stopping this girl. This time when she came out she was right side up and not scared. She beat it, she figured it out. She got out and went back to the toddler playscape with a very satisfied look. She is very much like her daddy in that respect, keep going until you solve the problem. And she found a love for running the trails. She would rather run than kick a ball. I love what a little person she is becoming.
Today, was the dentist. All I have to say is that if you have dental insurance, use it. The cavity below my filling was bad and I get to get a crown with my root canal - FUN. I honestly was surprised about this as this has not been painful. Just goes to show you can't just go by pain. So I had my first of three visits to complete the work on this tooth. I go back on the 30th for my next installment. If you suspect a cavity get it taken care of before it gets worse.
I am no longer numb, but feeling a bit uncomfortable. Sweetie is the sweetest and said he will make or get me anything that I can eat. That and some ice cream and I should be set.
Today, was the dentist. All I have to say is that if you have dental insurance, use it. The cavity below my filling was bad and I get to get a crown with my root canal - FUN. I honestly was surprised about this as this has not been painful. Just goes to show you can't just go by pain. So I had my first of three visits to complete the work on this tooth. I go back on the 30th for my next installment. If you suspect a cavity get it taken care of before it gets worse.
I am no longer numb, but feeling a bit uncomfortable. Sweetie is the sweetest and said he will make or get me anything that I can eat. That and some ice cream and I should be set.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Hair Cut
Someone went for their first hair cut today. She was so so very good. She was serious the whole time. Oh my big girl! 
And I got some vitamins to help with my exhaustion. Let's hope they help. I truly think it is my medication needing adjustment. I will know for sure in June. But this being so very tired thing is getting quite tiring. Oh well, such is life. Today we went to the store instead of tomorrow. This means tomorrow gets to be lazy with a focus on studying, laundry, and walking. With that said, I am going to get my butt to bed. Oh I hope I can sleep late tomorrow. I know, I live the most exciting of lives.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
sneeze sneeze sneeze
I am starting to think allergies are going to kick my butt this year. Today has been headache, sneezing, exhaustion, and eyes bothering me. Fun! Bug has been feeling it too.

Yesterday, I was a good girl and went to the dentist. I get to go back on Monday for a filling/potential root canal. Fun! It is a filling that has leaked and caused more cavity under the filling. They don't know how deep until they get in there. Blah. Sweetie went in today and received some deep scale cleaning. Poor guy looked like a stroke victim with half his mouth numbed. I was the nice wife who went and bought him lunch and took it to him as his appointment ran long and he didn't have any food. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him. Good thing he was laughing too. I took a picture of him, he said I could post it but upon seeing it took it back, lol. He goes back next week as well for the remainder of the cleaning. See what good adults we are being and taking care of ourselves.

Last night, we completed our first 10k training workout. It was scheduled for Tuesday but we felt that hanging with MIL and eating gelato was more important. Sweetie was good and ran and I walked with Bug. When he was done he came back and finished my walk with me. It is a good set up. And as we are doing the same training for the IBM 10k, only difference is he is running and I am walking, this is most likely going how we work it.
The photos are from our fun on Saturday night; my Bug and her "too cute" smile, the water fall at the Domain, and Bug and me dancing.
Yesterday, I was a good girl and went to the dentist. I get to go back on Monday for a filling/potential root canal. Fun! It is a filling that has leaked and caused more cavity under the filling. They don't know how deep until they get in there. Blah. Sweetie went in today and received some deep scale cleaning. Poor guy looked like a stroke victim with half his mouth numbed. I was the nice wife who went and bought him lunch and took it to him as his appointment ran long and he didn't have any food. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him. Good thing he was laughing too. I took a picture of him, he said I could post it but upon seeing it took it back, lol. He goes back next week as well for the remainder of the cleaning. See what good adults we are being and taking care of ourselves.
Last night, we completed our first 10k training workout. It was scheduled for Tuesday but we felt that hanging with MIL and eating gelato was more important. Sweetie was good and ran and I walked with Bug. When he was done he came back and finished my walk with me. It is a good set up. And as we are doing the same training for the IBM 10k, only difference is he is running and I am walking, this is most likely going how we work it.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
10 Years
Prepare yourself for an emotional post today. Today marks 10 years since we lost Sweetie's dad. Ten years, a decade has passed, yet I remember that day all too well. So today is a hard day. Today makes us think about what we do not have and appreciate what we do. Luckily, I thoroughly believe that Bug already met her grandpas in heaven.
Today I have been living 10 years ago. I know the exact weight I was, the purse that I bought that day, the TV show we were watching when we got the call. It all feels so real still. Then I am back in reality and thinking of everything that has changed since that night.
I am not going to recreate that night. It was emotional. Rather I am going to leave it with this, please hug and kiss your loved ones today. You just never know. We miss you, Chuck!
So today is about life, today is about family, today is about being happy you are alive. BestFriend and I registered for the LiveStrong Challenge. We got hasty and registered before realizing the half off was for tomorrow only. Oh well, a good cause. If you are going to participate, register tomorrow so you can register two for one. Sweetie is going to do it as well. I am doing it in Honor of Deb. She is my Cancer-ass-kicking hero. If you wish to donate, you can go to my fundraising page. The Austin 5k is Oct 14th. Woo Hoo, getting healthy!
Tonight is my first workout of my 24 week training plan for the IBM 10k. I cannot wait. I always schedule to walk in the morning, notice I said schedule and not actually walk because getting out of bed is so very hard. But Sweetie loves our family walks so much that he requested to for me to walk in the evenings with him as we did to prepare for Chuys/Daisy. It is good for him too. And it is good for us as we get some time to chat and be silly.
Other than that I am still cranking away on my studying. This test just covers SO MUCH. I guess that is why it is the hardest section. I cannot wait to test and be done with it. The good part is that I am watching a lot of videos at this point and I am finding them very interesting. I know that is just sick.
I hope everyone has a great day today. Remember to hug and kiss on those you love. I was very lucky as today is Tuesday. On Tuesdays Sweetie goes into work early and Bug and I sleep later and snuggle. That is a great way to start a day.
Today I have been living 10 years ago. I know the exact weight I was, the purse that I bought that day, the TV show we were watching when we got the call. It all feels so real still. Then I am back in reality and thinking of everything that has changed since that night.
I am not going to recreate that night. It was emotional. Rather I am going to leave it with this, please hug and kiss your loved ones today. You just never know. We miss you, Chuck!
So today is about life, today is about family, today is about being happy you are alive. BestFriend and I registered for the LiveStrong Challenge. We got hasty and registered before realizing the half off was for tomorrow only. Oh well, a good cause. If you are going to participate, register tomorrow so you can register two for one. Sweetie is going to do it as well. I am doing it in Honor of Deb. She is my Cancer-ass-kicking hero. If you wish to donate, you can go to my fundraising page. The Austin 5k is Oct 14th. Woo Hoo, getting healthy!
Tonight is my first workout of my 24 week training plan for the IBM 10k. I cannot wait. I always schedule to walk in the morning, notice I said schedule and not actually walk because getting out of bed is so very hard. But Sweetie loves our family walks so much that he requested to for me to walk in the evenings with him as we did to prepare for Chuys/Daisy. It is good for him too. And it is good for us as we get some time to chat and be silly.
Other than that I am still cranking away on my studying. This test just covers SO MUCH. I guess that is why it is the hardest section. I cannot wait to test and be done with it. The good part is that I am watching a lot of videos at this point and I am finding them very interesting. I know that is just sick.
I hope everyone has a great day today. Remember to hug and kiss on those you love. I was very lucky as today is Tuesday. On Tuesdays Sweetie goes into work early and Bug and I sleep later and snuggle. That is a great way to start a day.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
My Two 5k Weekend
This has been the best Mother's Day weekend. Friday night Sweetie and I got our race packets and enjoyed a nice dinner together.
Saturday started early. We were out the door by 6:45 am. This is the Chuy's Mascot.
This is BestFriend before the race by the lake.

Sweetie and me before the race.

This is Sam. Sam was so sweet and walked with my slow ass the ENTIRE way. He listened to me bitch about the hills and we acted goofy together. He is such a great guy.

Here I am at the finish. Yes, that is Sweetie behind me. No, I did not beat him. After he finished (in 29:33), he came back on the course to meet me. He said he wanted to be with me when I finished. HowieMaui and her husband also made the 5k. Unfortunately, we lost them during the walk and shortly after. But she was awesome and also beat the hills.
We had the worst service ever at Kerby Lane after the race. But we didn't let it get us down. MotoDiva and her Jeff were able to join our celebration lunch (Jeff completed a triathlon while we were doing our 5k). And I tell you, there is nothing better than a 3 hour family nap after such an exciting day.
And that brings me to today. Today was the Daisy 5k. This race was closer to home and a trail race. Since BestFriend was totally awesome with her 5k yesterday, 32 minutes and no walking, she decided the best thing would be to walk with me today. I greatly appreciated it. I went slower to make sure that I did not injure myself. The good news is that I was only one minute slower than yesterday. Mom was at the finish cheering us on, that was so wonderful.
Here are two pictures from the trail.
BestFriend and me at the finish.
And a close up of the daisy I received at the finish line.
And now I relax before the family arrives. There you have it, two 5ks in a weekend. Yay! Tonight is a relaxing family get-together and then hopefully a bubble bath. Tomorrow starts my training for the IBM 10k. I am so looking forward to that.
Happy Mother's Day to everyone; mothers, grandmothers, and godmothers alike.
Saturday started early. We were out the door by 6:45 am. This is the Chuy's Mascot.
Sweetie and me before the race.
This is Sam. Sam was so sweet and walked with my slow ass the ENTIRE way. He listened to me bitch about the hills and we acted goofy together. He is such a great guy.
Here I am at the finish. Yes, that is Sweetie behind me. No, I did not beat him. After he finished (in 29:33), he came back on the course to meet me. He said he wanted to be with me when I finished. HowieMaui and her husband also made the 5k. Unfortunately, we lost them during the walk and shortly after. But she was awesome and also beat the hills.

And that brings me to today. Today was the Daisy 5k. This race was closer to home and a trail race. Since BestFriend was totally awesome with her 5k yesterday, 32 minutes and no walking, she decided the best thing would be to walk with me today. I greatly appreciated it. I went slower to make sure that I did not injure myself. The good news is that I was only one minute slower than yesterday. Mom was at the finish cheering us on, that was so wonderful.
Here are two pictures from the trail.
Happy Mother's Day to everyone; mothers, grandmothers, and godmothers alike.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Chuy's Eve
Tomorrow is Chuys. I cannot wait. We walked 3 miles again last night, so I am ready. Sweetie and I are hoping to pick up our packets tonight and do nothing but prepare for the next day. Of course we get to leave the house by 6:45 - yikes. But it will be worth it.
Blogger is about to have a scheduled outage so I better post more later.
Blogger is about to have a scheduled outage so I better post more later.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Three Days Until Chuys
Last night turned out to be a great night. Mom came over for GG - not happy with that episode. Sweetie made us sandwiches as we were out of the right kind of cheese for grilled cheese. Then after she left we walked 3 miles. I am so ready for this weekend's 5ks. I may be slow, but it won't kill me, I am not even sore. After the walk, I had the best shower and I watched an hour of CPA review videos. YAY. As we were getting ready for bed I grabbed my foot lotion. Sweetie was so sweet and offered to apply the lotion for me. My feet felt great. And, as his whole intention, the foot massage led to more cardio - heehee. This of course led to not being tired. We finished our day with playing the Wii. Walking, long shower, productivity, massage, and fun with Sweetie- who could ask for a better night.
I also had a bit of a scare. MotoDiva gave Bug a beautiful silk robe on Sunday while we were at Billy's dinner. We, of course, forgot it there. I searched the house, the car, asked MotoDiva if she had it. Nope we were too focused on Bug and left it on the table. Luckily, I called today and they had it. YAY. So my lunch was spent driving to Round Rock to get her robe. I am not complaining, I am just happy we got it back. That would have sucked.
My emotions are all over the place this week. That makes it hard to focus. But I am having another good day and that makes me happy.
Now I am faced with an ethical issue. My boss is out and his boss left early. Hmmm what ever shall I do. Yep, I am going to sneak out.
I also had a bit of a scare. MotoDiva gave Bug a beautiful silk robe on Sunday while we were at Billy's dinner. We, of course, forgot it there. I searched the house, the car, asked MotoDiva if she had it. Nope we were too focused on Bug and left it on the table. Luckily, I called today and they had it. YAY. So my lunch was spent driving to Round Rock to get her robe. I am not complaining, I am just happy we got it back. That would have sucked.
My emotions are all over the place this week. That makes it hard to focus. But I am having another good day and that makes me happy.
Now I am faced with an ethical issue. My boss is out and his boss left early. Hmmm what ever shall I do. Yep, I am going to sneak out.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Brain Dump
Brain dump time.
~Yesterday was a sad day. Blah. I hate those. But today is much better and that is my focus.
~Yesterday, MIL came over for dinner. She had a hard day as she took her dad, Sweetie's Grandpa, to a home. More on that later. It was an emotional day. I hope Bug was able to help.
~This past weekend proved that there are going to be some situations with BestFriend and James where one doesn't want to go because the other will be there. Blah is all I have to say to that.
~Today is a happy day. 15 years ago today I met my husband. 15 years ago tonight is when he went home and told his parents that he met the woman he was going to marry. Man, I love him. I am so very happy I went to that party and got into that hot tub.
~This weekend I get to walk in two 5ks. I am so excited. Other than that, Mother's Day is going to be relaxing. My request is my walk, family time, and a romantic bubble bath.
~In less than a month Bug turns 2. How is that possible? She is such a little person now. She was dancing for us last night. It was hilarious. She says things, thinks things, has opinions, and has a sense of humor - so amazing.
~Monday starts my training for my 10k. My knee has been bothering me so I am going to focus on walking and not adding the jogging just yet.
~My cramping is back. Blah. I don't know what this means as far as my Graves'. I am at a completely loss at this point as to what my symptoms mean. Overall the cramps are not as bad as they were last year, but waking to neck cramps was something I was not missing.
~I go back and give blood in another month. I am not getting my hopes up for a med reduction, but it would be nice.
~I am still working on my study schedule. I hope this week proves more productive than last week, but no worries. I refuse to get all anal about each minute spent studying. That only leads to un-productivity for me.
~Tonight is Gilmore Girls - only two episodes left - and grilled cheese. mmm mmmm good.
~Yesterday was a sad day. Blah. I hate those. But today is much better and that is my focus.
~Yesterday, MIL came over for dinner. She had a hard day as she took her dad, Sweetie's Grandpa, to a home. More on that later. It was an emotional day. I hope Bug was able to help.
~This past weekend proved that there are going to be some situations with BestFriend and James where one doesn't want to go because the other will be there. Blah is all I have to say to that.
~Today is a happy day. 15 years ago today I met my husband. 15 years ago tonight is when he went home and told his parents that he met the woman he was going to marry. Man, I love him. I am so very happy I went to that party and got into that hot tub.
~This weekend I get to walk in two 5ks. I am so excited. Other than that, Mother's Day is going to be relaxing. My request is my walk, family time, and a romantic bubble bath.
~In less than a month Bug turns 2. How is that possible? She is such a little person now. She was dancing for us last night. It was hilarious. She says things, thinks things, has opinions, and has a sense of humor - so amazing.
~Monday starts my training for my 10k. My knee has been bothering me so I am going to focus on walking and not adding the jogging just yet.
~My cramping is back. Blah. I don't know what this means as far as my Graves'. I am at a completely loss at this point as to what my symptoms mean. Overall the cramps are not as bad as they were last year, but waking to neck cramps was something I was not missing.
~I go back and give blood in another month. I am not getting my hopes up for a med reduction, but it would be nice.
~I am still working on my study schedule. I hope this week proves more productive than last week, but no worries. I refuse to get all anal about each minute spent studying. That only leads to un-productivity for me.
~Tonight is Gilmore Girls - only two episodes left - and grilled cheese. mmm mmmm good.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Ring my Bell, Ring my Bell
And I actually got to see some of my friends multiple times. Friday Family night consisted of dinner with family and BestFriend and then meeting MotoDiva and her crew at Main Event. We played pool and climbed the rock wall. That is right, I climbed the rock wall. WOO HOO! The best part was when I got to the top I looked down and saw Bug cheering me on and clapping. She was the best! The worst part was about halfway up when I had one of my bad cramps, yep I am getting them again - blah. Sweetie was nice enough to grab the cramped location in attempt to ease my pain - which, of course, was my butt - while I was on the wall.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
I am committed. I received my Notice to Schedule today. All is set. I got the day that I wanted, 7/28/07 at 8:00am. YAY. And I know I am bad, I said I would post a picture and I didn't. Last night was busy with Bug and watching a huge storm. My little trooper is going to be a storm chaser I swear, during the highlight of the hail, thunder, lightening, and rain - she wanted to go outside. No fear!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
money money mon-ey
This whole technology thing is cool. I paid my "please sir, may I test" fee yesterday and received my email telling me to pay for the test today. Another $176 down. Yikes, they nickle and dime you. The old way you had to snail mail the $70 and wait for a snail mail response telling you to pay. So this was fast. I got all nervous as I paid, hoping that I could get the testing day and time that I am wanting. I submit payment and expect a scheduling window. Nope, I get a window that says "thanks for paying us, you will receive your Notice To Schedule within 14 days". WHAT??? I have to wait longer to know for sure when this torture will be over? Not fair.
And I solved my issue with the review site. The popups weren't popping, well up. I knew I had a popup blocker - using work computer for this as MicroCrap no longer supports IE for Mac. I go to my popup blocker set up and add the page as a "safe for popups". Doesn't help. I close out, restart, get back in. It doesn't help. At this point I am frustrated as the popup windows are what grade the questions and let you know a slightly important thing like if you answered the question correctly. That is when I realized it was my google toolbar that was blocking the pop ups. HA! So it is all fixed. YAY!
So I realize that this whole CPA experience might not be the most exciting, but that is going to be my life for a little while. I will try to put some interesting comments from time to time, I promise.
Like how I have 10 days to prepare for my two 5ks on Mother's Day weekend. I am excited about that. Then I begin my training for the IBM 10k. At least that is the goal now. It is enough of a distance that it should serve as motivation for exercising even when stressed but not too long of a distance that would require long hours of training.
Sweetie is so awesome. I was complaining about feeling like I am already behind and it is only week one. He told me that he is going to do everything possible to make sure that I feel caught up. Which, I am not sure what more he could do - other than playing with Bug when I study on the weekends - as I have kept my princess status. Yep, the princess pregnancy has lasted almost over 2.5 years. HA! I am not complaining. For those of you who are new, when I was pregnant, Sweetie took over ALL chores and cooking - I worked full time and was finishing my MBA when I was pregnant so he wanted things stress free. Things have kind of stayed that way. I mean I do more now than I did then, but overall he does a TON, I am so very lucky for that. He loves to pamper and it is in times like this that I am so grateful.
Of course, as I write this I find out he has to work late tonight. Kind of funny, I am writing about him pampering me and find out he is in need of his own pampering. So I told him not to worry about a thing and that Bug and I will take him dinner. It really doesn't change my study time for tonight as I study after Bug goes to sleep. But he feels guilty and I won't let that happen. Poor guy, you can only be pulled in so many directions.
I don't know what it is, but I am in a great mood today. I am feeling good about life. Now I must sneak out and get that girl of mine. She is so big. I will post pictures of her hair when I get home. I think it is too cute. But everyone else cannot believe Sweetie let me do it - heehee. I should be in radio, that was a good teaser, right?
And I solved my issue with the review site. The popups weren't popping, well up. I knew I had a popup blocker - using work computer for this as MicroCrap no longer supports IE for Mac. I go to my popup blocker set up and add the page as a "safe for popups". Doesn't help. I close out, restart, get back in. It doesn't help. At this point I am frustrated as the popup windows are what grade the questions and let you know a slightly important thing like if you answered the question correctly. That is when I realized it was my google toolbar that was blocking the pop ups. HA! So it is all fixed. YAY!
So I realize that this whole CPA experience might not be the most exciting, but that is going to be my life for a little while. I will try to put some interesting comments from time to time, I promise.
Like how I have 10 days to prepare for my two 5ks on Mother's Day weekend. I am excited about that. Then I begin my training for the IBM 10k. At least that is the goal now. It is enough of a distance that it should serve as motivation for exercising even when stressed but not too long of a distance that would require long hours of training.
Sweetie is so awesome. I was complaining about feeling like I am already behind and it is only week one. He told me that he is going to do everything possible to make sure that I feel caught up. Which, I am not sure what more he could do - other than playing with Bug when I study on the weekends - as I have kept my princess status. Yep, the princess pregnancy has lasted almost over 2.5 years. HA! I am not complaining. For those of you who are new, when I was pregnant, Sweetie took over ALL chores and cooking - I worked full time and was finishing my MBA when I was pregnant so he wanted things stress free. Things have kind of stayed that way. I mean I do more now than I did then, but overall he does a TON, I am so very lucky for that. He loves to pamper and it is in times like this that I am so grateful.
Of course, as I write this I find out he has to work late tonight. Kind of funny, I am writing about him pampering me and find out he is in need of his own pampering. So I told him not to worry about a thing and that Bug and I will take him dinner. It really doesn't change my study time for tonight as I study after Bug goes to sleep. But he feels guilty and I won't let that happen. Poor guy, you can only be pulled in so many directions.
I don't know what it is, but I am in a great mood today. I am feeling good about life. Now I must sneak out and get that girl of mine. She is so big. I will post pictures of her hair when I get home. I think it is too cute. But everyone else cannot believe Sweetie let me do it - heehee. I should be in radio, that was a good teaser, right?
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
bear feet
To me there is nothing better than being in the kitchen getting ready for the work day when your little girl is in the other room playing. And everything goes silent. And then you hear scuffling. And when you look up you see your almost 2 year old in your bear slippers coming out of your bedroom. I love it. I just died laughing. As this is Sweetie's early morning, he missed it. And I was bad and too busy enjoying the sight to take a picture.
CPA update - yesterday the class started. I took the diagnostic test. It only took me half the time. The reason is that it is a multiple choice test and if I didn't know the material right away I skipped the question. I wanted a true assessment of what I know now, which is little. But that is ok, as I will relearn it and feel confident. I need to read two chapters tonight. This week is owner's equity and cash as well as marketable securities & receivables Fun!
This class is going to be more demanding than I expected. They suggest 20 hours of study a week. I was hoping for 7. This just makes me even happier that I am taking the slower route. I can do it. I can do it.
And I paid my "please can I take this test" fee. It was actually 70 and not 75. And they have it online so it was nice and painless. Now I wait for my testing authorization code and I can schedule the test. Yay!
CPA update - yesterday the class started. I took the diagnostic test. It only took me half the time. The reason is that it is a multiple choice test and if I didn't know the material right away I skipped the question. I wanted a true assessment of what I know now, which is little. But that is ok, as I will relearn it and feel confident. I need to read two chapters tonight. This week is owner's equity and cash as well as marketable securities & receivables Fun!
This class is going to be more demanding than I expected. They suggest 20 hours of study a week. I was hoping for 7. This just makes me even happier that I am taking the slower route. I can do it. I can do it.
And I paid my "please can I take this test" fee. It was actually 70 and not 75. And they have it online so it was nice and painless. Now I wait for my testing authorization code and I can schedule the test. Yay!
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