Tuesday, May 15, 2007

10 Years

Prepare yourself for an emotional post today. Today marks 10 years since we lost Sweetie's dad. Ten years, a decade has passed, yet I remember that day all too well. So today is a hard day. Today makes us think about what we do not have and appreciate what we do. Luckily, I thoroughly believe that Bug already met her grandpas in heaven.

Today I have been living 10 years ago. I know the exact weight I was, the purse that I bought that day, the TV show we were watching when we got the call. It all feels so real still. Then I am back in reality and thinking of everything that has changed since that night.

I am not going to recreate that night. It was emotional. Rather I am going to leave it with this, please hug and kiss your loved ones today. You just never know. We miss you, Chuck!

So today is about life, today is about family, today is about being happy you are alive. BestFriend and I registered for the LiveStrong Challenge. We got hasty and registered before realizing the half off was for tomorrow only. Oh well, a good cause. If you are going to participate, register tomorrow so you can register two for one. Sweetie is going to do it as well. I am doing it in Honor of Deb. She is my Cancer-ass-kicking hero. If you wish to donate, you can go to my fundraising page. The Austin 5k is Oct 14th. Woo Hoo, getting healthy!

Tonight is my first workout of my 24 week training plan for the IBM 10k. I cannot wait. I always schedule to walk in the morning, notice I said schedule and not actually walk because getting out of bed is so very hard. But Sweetie loves our family walks so much that he requested to for me to walk in the evenings with him as we did to prepare for Chuys/Daisy. It is good for him too. And it is good for us as we get some time to chat and be silly.

Other than that I am still cranking away on my studying. This test just covers SO MUCH. I guess that is why it is the hardest section. I cannot wait to test and be done with it. The good part is that I am watching a lot of videos at this point and I am finding them very interesting. I know that is just sick.

I hope everyone has a great day today. Remember to hug and kiss on those you love. I was very lucky as today is Tuesday. On Tuesdays Sweetie goes into work early and Bug and I sleep later and snuggle. That is a great way to start a day.


the greatest said...

>hug and kiss on those you love
--says the daisymouse blog

so XXOOs to you daisymouse, aka BCPAFF. <3 Thank you for being in my life.

Kat said...

What a nice post! So sorry ya'll lost Sweetie's dad, but you are right, we should not take the people in our lives for granted and love them while we can!

Your comment about bug having met her grandpas in Heaven already melted my heart.

Good for you for doing the walk!!!

Um, are the videos related to CPA stuff? And you find them interesting? So odd. :P hahahaha

I hope your day was a great one as well!

Kami said...
