Monday, May 21, 2007

I let her take after him a little.....

First, I must post about yesterday. My Bug is so very big. We took her to the park where we are going to have her b-day party. She played and played and played on the toddler playscape. Then she moved to the big kids version. She climbed the metal ladder with complete ease - too big! She then went to the big big slide. It is tall, covered, and twists. She went in. Sweetie was at the top and I was ready at the bottom. She came out scared and on her side, but no tears. I hug her and she is good. She then runs back to the ladder and goes right back up. Once again down and ended the ride scared and on her side. After more hugs she went back to the ladder a third time and went down yet again - no stopping this girl. This time when she came out she was right side up and not scared. She beat it, she figured it out. She got out and went back to the toddler playscape with a very satisfied look. She is very much like her daddy in that respect, keep going until you solve the problem. And she found a love for running the trails. She would rather run than kick a ball. I love what a little person she is becoming.

Today, was the dentist. All I have to say is that if you have dental insurance, use it. The cavity below my filling was bad and I get to get a crown with my root canal - FUN. I honestly was surprised about this as this has not been painful. Just goes to show you can't just go by pain. So I had my first of three visits to complete the work on this tooth. I go back on the 30th for my next installment. If you suspect a cavity get it taken care of before it gets worse.

I am no longer numb, but feeling a bit uncomfortable. Sweetie is the sweetest and said he will make or get me anything that I can eat. That and some ice cream and I should be set.


Elizabeth said...

This is the third blog that had issues with dentists today. Y'all are making me all nervous even thinking about my upcoming appt.

Kat said...

Urgh and Ick about the dentist visit! So cute about Bug being such a big girl! :)

Me said...

Well... TRIED to use the dental insurance yesterday as a matter of fact! But.... found out from the oral surgeon that NO oral surgery is covered, we get to pay for that bad boy all by ourselves. LOL.