Sunday, May 06, 2007

Ring my Bell, Ring my Bell

Wow. This weekend was so much fun. Friday during lunch we bought our own Wii - yep we actually arrived at the right place at the right time.

And I actually got to see some of my friends multiple times. Friday Family night consisted of dinner with family and BestFriend and then meeting MotoDiva and her crew at Main Event. We played pool and climbed the rock wall. That is right, I climbed the rock wall. WOO HOO! The best part was when I got to the top I looked down and saw Bug cheering me on and clapping. She was the best! The worst part was about halfway up when I had one of my bad cramps, yep I am getting them again - blah. Sweetie was nice enough to grab the cramped location in attempt to ease my pain - which, of course, was my butt - while I was on the wall. This was who we found on our doorstep when we got home on Friday night. Isn't he cute? Saturday, I had a great walk, great time with my little family, and then dinner at MotoDiva's where James made his world famous pizza. If you ever want pizza, go to him, he is the best. Sweetie was in heaven as he was able to jump on a trampoline. And then Sunday was jam packed. We went to the store, had another sewing party for SIL#2, and then met to celebrate Billy's college graduation over an early dinner. Of course, we gave him back his Wii as his present :-)


Elizabeth said...

That last picture was fab. I love it.

Your weekend made me tired.

Kami said...

A sewing party?

Wm. said...

Yay! The Wii was an awesome present. =D