Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Three Days Until Chuys

Last night turned out to be a great night. Mom came over for GG - not happy with that episode. Sweetie made us sandwiches as we were out of the right kind of cheese for grilled cheese. Then after she left we walked 3 miles. I am so ready for this weekend's 5ks. I may be slow, but it won't kill me, I am not even sore. After the walk, I had the best shower and I watched an hour of CPA review videos. YAY. As we were getting ready for bed I grabbed my foot lotion. Sweetie was so sweet and offered to apply the lotion for me. My feet felt great. And, as his whole intention, the foot massage led to more cardio - heehee. This of course led to not being tired. We finished our day with playing the Wii. Walking, long shower, productivity, massage, and fun with Sweetie- who could ask for a better night.

I also had a bit of a scare. MotoDiva gave Bug a beautiful silk robe on Sunday while we were at Billy's dinner. We, of course, forgot it there. I searched the house, the car, asked MotoDiva if she had it. Nope we were too focused on Bug and left it on the table. Luckily, I called today and they had it. YAY. So my lunch was spent driving to Round Rock to get her robe. I am not complaining, I am just happy we got it back. That would have sucked.

My emotions are all over the place this week. That makes it hard to focus. But I am having another good day and that makes me happy.

Now I am faced with an ethical issue. My boss is out and his boss left early. Hmmm what ever shall I do. Yep, I am going to sneak out.

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