Friday, April 27, 2007

Happy Birthday SPF

This week Kristine wants us to celebrate SPF's 2nd b-day. We are to pose in front of our fridge while showing two. I have my fingers in a peace sign, you just can't see them.

I am so very ready for this weekend. I am starting to feel better finally. I don't know exactly what we are going to do this weekend, other than going to to the camera store and getting a frame for Sweetie's newest piece of artwork. I cannot wait to display it. Other than that I need to clean the house and prepare myself for the routine of studying again. I also have to walk this weekend, must practice for Mother's Day weekend.

Oh and I have to share this picture, this is Bug at the ENT on Tuesday. She was so big in the chair.I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am off to get some Peproni Rolls, yummy.


Wendy said...

What a little cutie in that big chair!
Happy SPF, I played too.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!!

Well Missy, you'd better get back to the CYP pretty soon!

(loved having you)!

Cara said...

Love those pigtails! I actually have my hair in pigtails today too! Yes, I realize I'm 31 years old, but I walked at Town Lake this morning and it was hot and my hair's not long enough for a ponytail.

I'm not sure how I've managed to never read your blog before and didn't realize you were in Austin. Derrr.

Kat said...

Could she be any cuter??? I think not!!!! :)

Elizabeth said...

Oh my God, the pigtails.

I can't deal.

Now my uterus hurts.