Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Picture This

I sit comfortably in my bed while checking email/statcounter/blogs. Bug and Sweetie are in the computer room when I receive the following instant message:

"oh no




oh my fucking god



I start wonder what is going on when Bug and Sweetie arrive in the room. And this is what he brought me: Here, a closer look: And yes, this was a sharpie. We got her into a shower and most faded at least with a good washing. This parenthood business is crazy. We laughed and laughed. Thank you Bug, for being you and making me laugh. Life is too short to take too seriously.


Kat said...

that is hillarious!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Right Guard spray deoderant will dissolve most inks. At least fade it out more. Maybe she wanted a tat like on Mommie and Daddy.

Anonymous said...

OMG. Funny.

Did you try the Mr. Clean magic Eraser? I love that thing.

Unknown said...

Whats scary is that he instant messaged you from twenty feet away.

Anonymous said...

totally too short to take seriously! I always like to think that if I'm not laughing now, will I be laughing next week, next year or in 20 years? If so, I'm certainly going to laugh NOW! Too funny!