The weekend was also emotional. My parents ran a family business out of their converted garage. The business closed when my father died in 1997. Since then, the room has served as nothing more than a catch all. No longer will that be the case. Mom is having it turned back into a garage and getting rid of the last of the business items. This was hard. There was still a calendar on the wall with September 1997 showing. Brother, SIL#1, Jim, Sweetie, Bug, and I all went to help. We got a lot done considering the emotions involved. It was hard, but very needed. This is the year of the Boar, as BestFriend reminds us, a time for not being afraid and moving forward. What this means to each of us is different. She is trying to find a new life, I am trying to find myself again, and Mom is focusing on what she has and moving forward. Regardless of our situations or reasons, this year our motto should be the same, Neutral is Not an Option. I did get some neat things out of the deal; my Grandfather's dog tags, a cool ring of my Grandmothers', the hospital bill for my birth, and my Grandmother's candy jar - with the candy still in it that has to be 15 years old - this brought both my mom and I to laughter and tears as it was her favorite candy. The candy? Black liquorish jelly beans.
It was a good weekend. It was a weekend that makes me thankful for who I have in my life, family and friends. I am so very lucky. And the pain is gone from my root canal - yay. And I am lucky enough to see some of my bitches on Saturday, so I have something to look forward to during the short work week.
Wow...that is hard to do. Good for ya'll.
Yikes. That is hard.
Love that you watched those movies.
I bet you guys found some very cool stuff in that office. Hard, though. :(
Have fun this weekend!
how funny. we almost went to the paramount to see those same movies. i am bummed that i didn't get to see casablanca on the big screen.
That would be hard but it sounds like you got some nice memories out of it. :)
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