Sunday, October 16, 2005

Reunion Part One of Two

So the event I helped plan last night went well. I helped plan it in the sense that I wanted an adult night. However, few people know I helped since the invite went out from the organizer as to avoid confusion.

I was dressed up, feeling great, and with my Sweetie on my arm in my favorite outfit of his. When we got there we found the organizer and one of her good friends. Actually the good friend recognized me. She said I was the only one (other than the organizer as they are great friends since high school) that she recognized.

A word to sum the evening: Fantastic.

There was almost a fight when one guy who I went through all of school with approached a woman thinking she was a classmate. You see the only planning was really "let's meet at 8". We could not get a reservation for our group due to costs and not knowing how many people would turn up. So he approached this woman and said "Enter name here??" It was not her and the guy with this woman assumed that my classmate was hitting on this woman. The man proceeded to push the classmate (and he is not a big guy at all) by the neck. Luckily another classmate, one all the girls had a crush on, came and broke everything up explaining to this man that the classmate thought she was someone we knew and that we were there for a reunion.

So my impact in HS was much larger than I thought. I had two people who I was friends with in elementary, was in brownies and girlscouts with this, but not friends in high school approach me and give me big hugs and ask how I am. Oh and this classmate who was pushed also told me his life story for the last 10 years. He approached me which I thought was so interesting. We were in kindergarten together and did UIL together in 2nd grade. However, I never really spoke with him since, other than if we were in the same class. He came up and said "Hey Melissa, how are you doing?" He ended the conversation when the organizer came to save me, he was rather drunk, and he said "WOW you both look so fantastic". I also had others know who I am and I was just shocked. One of the ex-girlscouts (although once a girlscout always a girlscout) has a 10 month old and lives close. I am thinking "play mate for Bug". This biggest thing about this girl that I remember is that in 1st grade she walked on her tip toes everywhere. I wanted to be more like her so I did the same thing.

However, not all of it was like old friends. There was a group in HS of some preppy and mean girls and guys. They were there. However, they had their own table and did not approach everyone else. Honestly I don't care. One of the girls used to make fun of me in Jr high because I did not have all the "in" items. She was there. I did not recognize her at all. She looked like a tramp. So funny.

I must say I am a cheap drunk now, very different from before Bug. After only three beers, my feet no longer hurt and I was feeling great. I did walk over and look at the "prep" table but did not stop and say hi.

I am not sure what time, the organizer, her old friend, their designated driver, my Sweetie, and I headed out to find more action. We went to "Cheers shot bar" where I enjoyed a buttery nipple - LOVE THOSE. And then we walked many many many blocks to the "Gingerman" where we sat outside, drank some dark beer and chatted. I totally blew their "good girl" image of me and I will be invited to the next party, lol. The funny thing is that between us we have 5 kids. At 2, we were kicked out. Closing a bar, I don't think I have done that in 10 years, lol.

Anyway these two women live close, have kids, and a lot in common with me and my Sweetie. I even sent an e-mail to the ex-girl scout asking to meet up sometime.

It was so fantastic. It was great to see everyone last night. It was a great preview on how today will be. I can't wait. I get to show off my Bug.

Now I must go and get myself all cute for tonight. I have to get there early to help set up. It is hard being so needed. I will try to post pictures tonight if I get a chance.

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