Thursday, June 14, 2007

the beat goes on, and the beat goes on


BestFriend believes that this whole ordeal is due to vampires. I thought she was being silly and trying to take my mind off of things. Little did I know she was right.

The Southwest Regional Cancer Center is very nice. I never wanted to know that, but anyway. I went alone and arrived early. The receptionist was so very nice and made me feel very comfortable. While I was checking in she told a co-worker that there were three new people, two with appointments before me, and then me. At 20 minutes until my appointment, the male nurse called my name. I was taken back before the other two appointments before mine. He took me back and weighed me and took me to a room. As we walked to the room he hesitated and said "oh he won't mind if we use this one". I thought this was odd. As he was taking my temp he said "normally another nurse handles this stuff, but he wanted to see you right away".


The doctor came in quickly after and took me to another room. Long story short, he asked me questions and felt me up. After what felt like an eternity while he wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote he told me "high WBC can mean a lot of things, an infection, and other things". He was good and didn't say the C word. He ended our meeting by sending me to the lab and saying that he wanted to see me in a week. However, he told me that if the results are serious he will call me before. I hope I don't hear from him.

Oh and he also said, "well, your meds can cause a low WBC as a side effect, but not high, so we know it isn't that". WTF? I already decided that was it. I already figured it all out, I would be taken off the meds and get the RAI in September. Why did I waste all my money on medical school only to be told that I am wrong? Oh that is right I didn't go to medical school. So I guess I don't know much. Actually I didn't even tell him that was my thinking, I think it was the first step, check current meds for side effects

I gave SIX vials of blood and made my next appointment for Thursday at 4:15.

So the results are - we still don't know ANYTHING.

I did ask if it was ok for me to do the Keep Austin Weird 5k on Saturday. He told me yes and that I should do everything that I want to. So that is good. It isn't like I am blogging this from a hospital room or anything. But damn, I want some answers.

Since this post has been so serious I thought I would end on something funny. Since today is FUG Thursday , I have something to contribute. This is my girl, so I can FUG her. She demanded to wear these shoes. They do not match. I hope she learns that this is a no no before high school.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

You can't fug a girl that darn cute!