I went to my Dr today regarding my white blood count. I expected a prescription for antibiotics and a request to test again in a few weeks. Nope. I didn't think the count was that high. But sure enough the Nurse and the NP said "yes it is high". Bottom line, my sugars are ok, I got to give more blood today to retest, and I got to call the Cancer Center to make an appointment with a hematologist. You want to freak out? Call the Dr your Dr says you need to call even before getting the retest results and hear Cancer in the locations name. BLAH.
And you know how I posted a while back about the thyroid levels being re-standardized and hypo is now anything over 3, used to be 5, and how my Dr and lab are using the old way? Well, once again I am over 3 but they say I am good. The NP today looked at my levels and I said "I really thought I was going to be declared hypo, I am so tired". She said "You, are hypo, this form is with the old standard". So I get to call my Endo tomorrow and request a med reduction due to the outdated standards being used. My retest results should be in tomorrow, then they will fax them to my the hematologist and I meet with him on Thursday afternoon.
Nothing is wrong, I only need to go off the meds (I have repeated this to myself a million times today). The problem is that I can't go off of them completely until we determine that is the cause. Blah. I am just tired from it all. I talked at length with the NP about the RAI option, which I have been thinking about lately, though I still hate the idea to my core. Both my GP and NP think I need to do it. Even more now with the most recent test results. Maybe this was my sign from God to scare me into doing it. Well, it worked. Sweetie and I agree that as soon as I get a clean bill of health that I am going to talk to the Dr about getting the radiation.
And of course this all happens when I need to start cranking on my CPA study. I cannot concentrate today to save my life. I want to reschedule but to do that would mean getting another three month window. I think I will wait until after I talk with the Dr to determine the best route. I mean I want the CPA very badly, but I want to be healthier even more. The worst thing I have heard with the RAI is weight gain - not allowing that to happen as I got enough from my current meds - and the process of getting the medication level figured out. This can be tricky as the radiation continued to radiate, it just slows down. And when your thyroid is out of whack, you are out of whack. It is hard to concentrate, hard to do things. Blah.
But I am staying positive. And I will keep all my peeps updated.
What a pisser to deal with. But yes, you have to take care of your health first. :)
Fuck that is scary. Keep us posted.
Holy hell, ok, make sure you keep peeps in the loop.
Oh hon, sorry you have to deal with and go through all that! Hang in there and I'm sure it will all come out roses and sunshine, because I said so. :)
I had my thryoid zapped and I have NOT gained any weight. I had it done over 4 years ago. I know it stinks and I freaked out-but now I am glad I did what I did. I hope it all works out for you. I am sure it will but it is scary stuff when it is happening to you.
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