Sunday, June 03, 2007

Drunk blogging

I is drunk. lol. BestFriend was the bomb and was my DD - yay free pepsi. TBG was in town so we had to party.

These are our first drinks, isn't the little one cute? It is called a mini-margarita. Here we are, thank you BestFriend for taking the picture. We had a good dinner and then went to Cedar Street. It was a lot of fun. I hope you had a great time in Austin, TBG.

And, FYI to all husbands of drunk wives - do not point out slurred words. It does not help you in the bedroom activities no matter how cute you claim it is.

Ok I am going to bed for now. Let's hope the world does not spin as I enter my bed, as I am too short to put one foot on the floor. TxMom kept buying me drinks. I soooo owe her a few one of these nights.


Kat said...

Ya'll all look great! Glad to hear you had a good time!

Are you sure the small one is a mini-margarita, as opposed to the other one being a jumbo-margarita? :) heehee

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun! You girls look so good.