Monday, June 06, 2005

24 hours and counting

Not that I am counting. But in 24 hours I will go in for my c-section. YAYAYAYAYAY. I am so distracted today. I hope I am making sense to my temp. Today's appointment was wonderful. I lost weight and now am only at gaining 5.6 pounds - which is crazy.

Doctor wants me to still get the c-section. He told my Sweetie that if it were his wife, he would want her to have the c-section. That is all it took. My Sweetie said "then we shall see you tomorrow". I cannot wait.

I am hoping some "final thoughts" tonight. After that I probably won't be able to post again until I come home, unless I get my Sweetie to post my thoughts for me. I am sure his blog will have pictures of our angel.

Now I am going back to training.

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