Monday, June 20, 2005

Best weight loss tool ever

Today was my two-week follow up appointment. I must say that I absolutely love my doctor. As we walked into his practice area the doctor saw us and gave me a big hug and commented on how Serif is so cute.

The results of the appointment are that my incision is looking great. I can start exercising at the one month mark. We are cleared for sex, I know everyone was waiting anxiously to hear this news – this is one good thing about a c-section, no waiting 6 weeks like with vaginal. And of course, this led to the discussion about birth control. Since we got pregnant the first time without protection, we know to not take any chances. Needless to say, I received a prescription for the “mini-pill”.

Then came the weigh-in. This was the best part of the whole appointment. I gained 5 pounds during my pregnancy. My JuneBug weighed 6lbs 3ozs so I hoped to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I know that I can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans but do not feel comfortable wearing jeans with my incision. The weigh in, which I had to remind the nurse about, was better than that. I weighed in at 14 pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I am 19 pounds less than my weigh-in 2 weeks ago. This is a huge ego boost. My Sweetie has been telling me how thin I look, I guess he was right. Now I can focus on the remaining weight that I started the pregnancy with as well as toning my tummy.

Yesterday was Father’s day. It was so wonderful to be able to celebrate this holiday full out. MIL, SIL, Niece, Mom, and Grandpa came over for a BBQ lunch. Serif gave her daddy three Winnie-the-Pooh puppets – which he loved. MotoDiva and her daughter came over and brought Jambalaya. It was a great day even though my little angel suffered from a gassy tummy. Last night my family (I love writing that) was in bed. My Sweetie was working on the computer while Serif and I went to sleep. We were using skin on skin to help her tummy work through the gas. Just as I was starting to fall asleep, I awoke to my Sweetie voice. He looked at me while I held our baby and told me that I looked so beautiful.

Life is beyond blissful.

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