Saturday, February 24, 2007


Currently, I am at BestFriend's house. I am enjoying a non-fat sugar-free latte. It is the yummy. Today has been a good day. Sweetie was supposed to be at work all day for some freelance work. Luckily, he decided to enlist the help of BestFriend's husband. This meant that we get to hang out with them. It has been so very long since we hung out with them like this. Today is also a day to celebrate Sam's b-day. We went to lunch and have been hanging out and playing games. It has been just what I needed. And I walked again. I walked last night when I got home and I walked this morning. Yay for me. And I just have to add that Chuy's grilled chicken salad with their cilantro vinaigrette is so very good. I love avocado.

I am feeling a lot better. I have a plan to get my life in order and to feel better. Don't get me wrong, I know I am not a helpless case, I just want to see some improvements. And I have not decided yet if this means that I push through the CPA now or postpone it. Both have their pros and cons. And I think that the walking is already helping. And with the way my knee is feeling, I believe it is in my best interest not to do the Cap 10k. I hate writing that, I truly wanted to do it. I want to get in the best shape possible and with my knee the best approach is slow and consistent. My knee has not had the worst pain. More that it has been letting me know that my workouts are working it - feeling sore and a bit uncomfortable.

That is all I have to add right now. Mostly, I wanted to let everyone know that thankfully I am not having a sad day today. I think it is the first non-sad day all week. I think that is positive. And I will take any positive I can.

But now I must get back to my friends. They make me giggle. And if you know me, you know that is so very rare ;-)

** oh and we have been playing on the wii that they are borrowing and having so much fun. So far I have tried the bowling, tennis, and baseball.


Patti said...

Glad you had a good day. You have been so supportive to me, please let me know when, how and where I can help.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a chance to catch up with friends. We seem to get so busy with life that we forget about the little pleasures.