Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What day is today?

I am a little lost today. Yesterday, I stayed home with Bug. I think she is getting in more teeth and it is bringing her down. She was super grumpy so I decided she needed a mommy day. She took TWO naps - she hasn't done that for like 8 months, unless she is sick. The first one was 2 hours and the second was 3 hours. We had fun, we played and went to Target. It was a very nice and relaxing day. And, of course, now today feels like a Monday.

So let's talk about the 'ol diet. I hit my 5 pound mark. Please keep in mind each oz has been slow to lose due to my meds. This weekend, with carnaval, I was not spot on. I had some spinach dip, crackers, and brownie bites at the hotel room. And then I had honey mustard dressing and brocolli and cheese soup at Kerby Lane. That combined with the hamburger and french fries at Fudruckers on Sunday - means I gained a little weight back, hence the reason I weighed today and not yesterday. What I learned is that I went off and I got right back on. The old Missy would have eaten badly all day Sunday. I was good. Yesterday, I ate phase one and today I am back to phase two. I don't feel guilty or upset with myself. That is another huge problem for me, I expect perfection. And when I don't give it, I give up. That is not the case this time. Yay me for taking this as the lifestyle change that it is.

And one more month until my next blood work. Hoping they reduce meds at that point.

Today is a beautiful day. It makes me want to walk. I hope I get a chance tonight before the craziness of the evening begins. I have been contemplating rejoining the gym. However, Sweetie pointed out that we might want to have the habit of exercise before we add a commute into the mix - even a 5 minutes one. So, I am going to use that as a goal - myabe when I reach a certain weight and I need some intense exercise to reach goal. Until then I am going to workout to the best of my ability at home and put that $115 a month towards our next vacation.

I am feeling good. Which is good. Last night I had sadness. I hate middle of the night, wake up wide awake, kind of sadness. But I am feeling much better this morning. I think it was mostly due to needing more sleep. Who knows. But what I do know is that when the alarm went off I was sleeping so nicely that I didn't get up and exercise. I pressed snooze. And I was dreaming that my dreams were making the alarm go off.

OK It is time to start getting ready to get my Bug.

1 comment:

Hyman said...

Glad you're having a good day!

Hope the little one feels better soon. Mommy days always help :)