Wednesday, February 14, 2007


A Valentine's Day proposal? Yep. That is how it worked out. Sweetie swore he wasn't going to propose on such a cheesy holiday. However, the perfect moment for proposal happened to fall on Feb 14, 1997. He was in a production at Texas State that performed that night. He had a stage and an audience for his big moment. He stood alone on the stage in front of a crowded auditorium. While holding flowers he stated how if he lost his sight that he would still see my beautiful face, if he lost his hearing he would still hear my voice, etc throughout the five senses. He finished with asking me if I would be his senses for the rest of his life. I said yes.

If you see my prayer box necklace that I wear. The inside is the same sentiment. I hold his senses. I keep him alive.

He told me that when he proposed that it would be a surprise and that our family would be there. While I had some instinct that he was going to pop the question, the biggest confusion was my family. I sat with MIL, FIL, SIL #2, and Niece (they wanted to see his performance). But my family was not there. I found out quickly after the proposal, as we walked back stage, that he had my mother, father, and Godmother in the balcony. While both our fathers did not live to see our wedding, they both saw the proposal. That means so much to me.

Kiss your loved ones today. Not because Hallmark tells you to, but because you never know.


Hyman said...

Awesome story!

Happy V-DAY!!

Summer Girl said...

How sweet! I'll have to share my engagement story some day. Certainly not as romantic as yours... but he TRIED and that is what counts, right?