Monday, February 12, 2007

One Down

I feel great. Tonight while Bug and Sweetie were at gymnastics I worked out. I did 10 minutes of abs and about 30 minutes of upper body. Right on! I am awesome. I know I will be sore tomorrow. But today was a good start.

Only two more workouts and I will meet my one week challenge - to workout three times this week. If I accomplish it, I get a full on hour long candlelight bath. They say it is all about motivation.

Off to the grocery store - what fun.

** updated ** did not make it to the store. Bug went to sleep like a good girl and I had work I needed to do, and almost completely forgot. Luckily, I have Sweetie. He got everything we needed.

1 comment:

Hyman said...

Think your sweety wants to go to the store for me too? LOL