Sunday, February 18, 2007

Picture Time - again

This is Bug and Me on Valentine's Day. It was PJ day at school. She looked so cute. And don't mind the pumpkin - she just gets a little confused with holidays still.
This is yesterday. We went to a Vineyard for a lunch and tasting as a surprise for my Brother's b-day. He was very surprised. Yay. And Bug, of course, was as cute as ever.

This morning we enjoyed sleeping in. When we woke up to the hugs and kisses of Bug we all played under the covers. First is Sweetie and me under the covers and then, of course, Bug.


the greatest said...

She gets cuter everyday. Its neat how much she takes after her *GODMOTHER* /grin

Grammy G said...

Thank you so very much for the pictures. That was just what I needed.

Grammy G

Hyman said...

Too cute!!!!