Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Last week Sweetie received an email from an online store he had used a few months ago notifiying him of a shipment due on his b-day. He asked if it was from me. I explained to him that if I did get him something, which I wasn't supposed to because we got him a kick ass bicycle, I would not use his user name and log in. He went online to see the details. $300 worth of star wars toys showed shipped to our address. I was already searching our accounts making sure we didn't pay for this when he said it was paid with an Amex. We do not have Amex. We hoped someone would catch the glitch. Sure enough, we get home yesterday and a very large box waited at our front door.

Now we could have been the type of people to keep the items since we didn't pay for them, let alone sign for them. But no, we are not like this. Sweetie called the company and they are sending UPS to pick them up on Thursday. The suckass thing is that the company didn't even thank Sweetie for being such a stand up guy. But I know we did right. I don't want that kind of bad karma any where near us.

So that is a little insight into us.

1 comment:

Sheri & SuZan said...

If your hubs is like my hubs, it would have been VERY hard to return those toys, um, action figures!