Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A little funny

The other night Bug and Sweetie were playing in the kitchen. I listened happily in the living room and overhear the following conversation:

Bug: Terry come here
Sweetie: My name is daddy
Bug: Terry come here
Sweetie: What is my name?
Bug: Terry
Sweetie: No, my name is daddy. What is my name?
Bug: Terry
By this time she is cracking up. She knows this drives him crazy. I had to add my part.
Me: Bug, what is my name?
Bug runs into the living room and smiles and says: Mommy
Sweetie: What is my name?
Bug: Terry.....Daddy
She then had him be a horse and rode him around the house laughing. It was too funny. She can already tell how to give him a hard time. There is no hope for him.

She hasn't seen Animaniacs so I have to blame this on Simpsons.


Leslie said...

Cutie! They never cease to amaze :-)

the greatest said...

Beware world. :D

Katie said...

The Boy does this too! It is too funny... but he calls both of us by our first names! Sometimes, it is completely out of the blue! Maybe this baby will be a boy and he can have someone on his side! tee hee!!