Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I'm Back!

Today I started working out again. A 20 minute walk did the trick and after a shower and taking over with JuneBug so my Sweetie can start his workout, I feel great. I have not walked on my own regularly since Feb 2004 when I completed the Motorola Half Marathon.

A little history. I started walking during highschool (along with riding my bike) and in college. I would walk sporadically until 2003. My Sweetie has always been supportive with my walking. When I joined Team in Training in August 2003, he knew I would be successful. He even walked with me during some of my weekday walks. Unfortunately, my walking did not continue after the half. This is not uncommon with long distance events. You train hard for an event and once it is over you find yourself a little lost. Between the half and now I only walked a few times. I wanted to walk more during my pregnancy, but with the horrible tendon pain, it was not an option.

When I walk with my Sweetie or by myself, is very different. I love walking with my Sweetie. We talk a lot when we walk and even have in depth conversations. We really bond during these walks. When I walk alone, it is very similar. I use the walking as therapy.

I started tonight for a few reasons. I received my 6 week clearance for being normal again (although I still need to bring up the whole perfect issue next appointment, LOL). I also want to start my exercising so I can get off antidepressants. But also I want to help my weight loss. I have not walked consistently since finding out about my thyroid - hence why I did not lose weight during marathon training. I am down 21 from my pre-pregnancy weight, my highest. I am only 19 from my first goal, my weight when my thyroid broke. I know that my thyroid is corrected through medication. I also know that I have to exercise to reach my first goal - medication cannot do it all.

So, I told my Sweetie that I am ready to start exercising again. He is so supportive and said that he wanted to watch JuneBug for me while I went walking. I walked for 20 minutes. I know it is a far cry from my 5.5 hour walking from before. However, one of the biggest issues with my marathon training was that I did not have an appropriate base to start training. So I was always trying to catch up. Since I want an appropriate base as well as to ease into exercise due to my surgery and lack of consistent exercise, I am starting slowly.

It felt GREAT. I kept a good pace and made sure to feel it, in spite of the short time. I decided while I was walking that my marathon for 2005 (I walked the Motive half in 2003, the Motorola half in 2004) will have to be having my JuneBug. I am going to focus on consistency, speed, and form until I finish testing for the CPA. The truth is that training for a marathon, even a half, is a time commitment. Studying for the CPA is a time commitment. Since I have my Sweetie and JuneBug who I want to spend time with, I only want one time commitment at a time. I should have a great base for the time that I am ready to begin training again.

I feel so confident. Today was a really good day. JuneBug and I hung out with my Sweetie. We helped him expunge the bad from UT. I am not sure what exactly made me feel so good today. I have only been on my meds for three days, so it should not be that, but who knows. I just feel so wonderful and sexy. While we were out today I even bought some hair color for my Sweetie’s birthday. I cannot wait to get inked and celebrate his birthday. Now the only question is what we are going to get. The idea right now is that we are going to get similar tats. I have to be careful. It seems every time I go into a tattoo parlor I get a piercing.

Now I must research tats.

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