Sunday, August 21, 2005

Church, Munchkin, and a Year Ago

Today has been very busy. This morning my Sweetie, JuneBug, and I went to church. We have not been to a non-holiday service since just after getting married and our favorite Priest, the one who married us, moved to another church. This is a church that I went to as a small girl and I have very fond memories of. When we think of "our" church this is where we attend. We are members and always feel comfortable there. We went back today for a big reason. First, let me back track, my mom went back over a month ago. She let us know that a baptism was happening with this service. Since we want our JuneBug babtised at this church we wanted to go and see how the new Priest handles things. I woke up this morning to my Sweetie fully dressed for church and he already had muffins baking for me. The Baptism was just what we want. They do it in groups at this church. About 5 babies were baptised this morning. I will call tomorrow and set the motion in order for getting our JuneBug on the list for the next baptism.

After church we went to the store, our normal errands, and then headed to BestFriend's house. We had the best evening. We played a game they gave my Sweetie for his b-day, Munchkin. It is so much fun. Any game that has a card like this is going to be fun to play. I love that having our JuneBug has not changed our friendship with these wonderful people.

Last year tonight, I was on a camping trip. And while I missed my Sweetie, I had a wondeful time with DarkDiva and MotoDiva. On that trip I was timid and unsure of myself around them. In only a year everything in the world has changed. My Sweetie and I are better and stronger than ever, I have more confidence in myself and my life, I am 28 pounds less, and we have a beautiful baby girl. Yes, a lot has changed in a year. This all makes me very happy. I love being able to see progress, to see healthy changes. I am very date oriented. I know when things happen. My BestFriend is not this way. She will ask me, "how long have we been friends?" That night, a year ago, was very important. My whole world started to change with that night.

This next week I am going to enjoy myself. My Sweetie will be looking for a job, of course, but we will be taking in every minute we have with JuneBug.

Now I am off to read some more of book 6 and snuggle tight to my Sweetie.

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