Friday, August 26, 2005

Day of Me and Tattoo

Yesterday it hit me that the first time I will be away from my baby for more than 4 hours will be on Wednesday, my first day back at work. This is not a good idea. My Sweetie insisted that I use today as a dry run.

I decided last night that I wanted to get a tattoo today. Not the one that my Sweetie and I are wanting, still waiting on the design and such a time when we both can go and get it. Rather, I wanted a tattoo for me. Every time I got a piercing or tattoo I had my Sweetie or a good friend with me. Suprisingly both times I got my tongue pierced my Sweetie was not there, lol.

So this morning we woke up at 9 and my Sweetie turns to me while we are still in bed and says, "you need to leave and start your day". I obliged and got showered and dressed. I was not feeling good but decided I still needed this day. I set out. My first trek was to Target. I bought my Bug some sunglasses, they are so big on her. Then I headed to Platinum Tattoo (any place that has slogans such as "poking people pretty" and "Keeping Austin Holy" has to be a good place). I remembered incorrectly and thought they opened at 11, nope at 12. This was actually good, as I needed food. I enjoyed some food while reading my book, yes I am savoring book six.

After noon I headed back to the tattoo parlor. While I was looking through the artist's book and discussing what I wanted my Sweetie called. I had not told him my plans, I wanted it to be all on my own. He knew I was up to something as I said I was nowhere and doing nothing, he simply laughed and told me to have fun.

The artist recommended this tattoo for me. It originally was going to be all black. However, after he had the outline he asked if he could add some red. Of course, after seeing his work, I agreed. He knew I would and already had a second ink bowl ready. It hurt a lot less than I was afraid of. I got my tattoo in December 1995. Since then I have had many many piercings. While piercings hurt, the pain is not for long. Tattoos take longer. I was worried I had grown weak. This is not the case. Did it hurt? Well, of course. However, it was nothing to even flinch over and after the outline was complete, I was pretty numb.

After my beautiful new artwork I went to get my hair trimmed. I want it to be able to grow out some before the reunion. Then I went to the mall and bought some books for my bug and Sweetie. Just as I was ready to go home, after 6 hours, my Mom called asking if I wanted to meet her at BabiesRus. Of course, I could not object. This added another hour with me being away from my Bug.

My Sweetie LOVES the tattoo. He was surprised that I got it but not shocked. When he saw the bandage he asked what I got, lol. Oh the tat is on the outside of my left leg just above my ankle.

Why a butterfly? I know it is one of the most popular tattoos. However, I have reasons for it. Butterflies follow me. With important events in my life I tend to see Butterflies. They show me that I am where I need to be. Also in the last year I feel like I have emerged as my own person. Much like a caterpillar rising from its cocoon, I have come out of events stronger and more beautiful.

So how did I do? The first time in almost 12 weeks to be away for my baby for 7 hours. I did good. Knowing she was with her daddy helped. And I trust her daycare so I should be good. The hardest thing is going to get back into work. While I am not new, I will feel like I am at a new job and relearning everything.

Isn't this a great picture?

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