Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Poor Cranky Bug

Yesterday marked 8 weeks since my JuneBug's arrival.

The day started with a cranky Bug during the night. She cried during the night, this almost never happens, she normally saves her screaming moments for the daytime. She even skipped a meal even though she woke up during the night. This set us up for a hard day. Lately she has been eating small amounts throughout the day. She was up to three oz at time with sometimes four. Lately she has been doing two and sometimes three - with eating more often.

Yesterday, she would nap for about 10 minutes, wake up crying and refuse to eat. Each time she fell asleep we hoped it would be for longer - but no. I needed to get out of the house and my Sweetie needed to drop a receipt off at MIL's work. I hoped the car ride would help JuneBug find a deep sleep. She could not sleep deeply while at MotoDiva's on Saturday either. The nice thing about Saturday was that when we got home we all ended up going to sleep for the night (other than waking up for feedings and such) and it was only 8:00. So we headed out. She was not happy about the car ride and proceeded to cry. She finally fell asleep as we made the exit for MIL's work. Due to our day with her, we didn't want to jink anything and my Sweetie ran inside while I stayed in the car with JuneBug.

The next step was my work. We hoped that the 20 minute drive would do Bug good. I had to go yesterday because I could no longer log in from home. It is great to get a message "your password has expired, please change it before loggin in". This means I have to go into work to change my password. The close to 30 minute nap was good for Bug. She woke up and even ate some when we arrived at my work.

Everyone was so happy to see us. It was their first chance to meet her. They all commented on her hair. The best part was all the compliments that I received. They all said that I look so good and that it looked like I was thinner than before getting pregnant. My Sweetie, who was holding JuneBug, smiled so big and said "she is, pregnancy is a great weight loss tool for her." Of course that led into saying I should have more babies to lose more weight, lol. So I went to my Cubicle to change my password. Several co-workers followed, of course. Within a minute of being in my cube my JuneBug started crying again. My Sweetie was so good and stepped out into the hallway to calm her down. The best part? The network was down, so I didn't even get to change my password. My Sweetie calmed her down and came back for my boss to meet her. They were impressed. I told everyone that I will see them at the end of the month.

We were able to eat a quick lunch and then got JuneBug home. She did not go back to sleep until 10:00. Until then she cried almost constantly and did not eat much. She woke up at 11, ate two oz and went to sleep for the night, over 4 hours even. Overall she only ate 80% of her normal intake.

Today has been much better.

Oh good news. We called the daycare on Monday to check in on the status of our application and such. The school we want has two openings - YAY. Not only that, she is going into the room we wanted. She will be a River Otter. This is the room I think she will love. Both would be good, but this one has more sunshine

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