Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Dark Diva's Loss

This weekend was not all happy. However, I wanted to write about this in a different post. My friend, the Dark Diva, lost her mother on Saturday night. While driving she had a heart attack and did not survive. September is a hard month. Dark Diva lost her father in September 1999. I lost my father in September 1997. Hearing the news from my best friend really hit me. I never met her mother - but I have been crying for her pain, for her loss, and all losses. Dark Diva asked for some quiet time - which I can understand. I should see her sometime this week and will be able to see for myself how she is holding up. My Mother really likes all of my Diva friends so I called her to let her know. We are going to send a gift to show our support. However, not the normal "sorry for your loss" tokens. She will receive enough of those. I e-mailed Dark Diva and offered babysitting or anything else that might help. One thing that bonded Moto Diva, Dark Diva and myself during our camping trip was the loss of our fathers. She knows we understand loss and hopefully she will let us help.

September is always hard for me. I can always tell a difference in my emotions and my state of mind. This one is going to be even harder - good thing I have CPA to distract me.

I cannot say it enough - don't wait until tomorrow to tell someone how you feel.

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