Monday, February 28, 2005

Blogs are Interesting

When I blog, I write what I want to and what I am feeling. I have several loyal readers (family, friends, and some unknowns), yet I do not write for them. I write for myself. If my blog begins to bore you – I am sorry. However, the focus on my blog is my life. My Sweetie has a blog with a different focus. While he cannot help but post from time to time about baby and me, overall his blog is about Design – as most of you know since the majority of my regular visitors also read his blog.

My SIL – husband’s sister – uses LiveJournal. She likes a feature that restricts who can read her posts. It works for her. However, I like blogger better. I like that whatever I write is accessible to anyone. If I put it out there, then it is ripe for the picking. I know this means that I am vulnerable in some aspects to those whom I do not care for. However, I am willing to take that chance. I do not write my blog for them. I use this as a tool, as a journal, as a way to express myself in a semi-creative way. With how things are in my life right now, I want a place to document how I feel. Things are so wonderful and I never want to forget.

I read several blogs on a regular basis. Some caught my attention with their history, others with their current situation. While I do not know these individuals in real life, I do know about aspects of their life. In addition, I am drawn back to read more on a daily basis.

Last night Sweetie and I went over to Best Friend’s house. I had homework to do so I packed up my laptop. While I sat in the living room using their wireless network, I had a sudden moment of technology overload. While this is not the first time for me to travel with my laptop in this manner, something about last night hit me. I was chatting with a friend in Dallas while sitting with my Best Friend. I had my computer, so all of my bookmarks as well as my documents were with me. It was not long ago, where our biggest form of communication was not e-mail or cell phones. Now, I have a cell phone, wireless internet, and a blog to inform all about my daily life. So very strange.

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